Grandpa with a great-grandson, Lindon.

A "big" change has happened in our family...well, a change, none the less.
Since I am still out of work (I've not really been putting forth 100% either to find it), I have been hired on part time to help my Grandpa with his ADLs.
He is doing so much better - emtotionally, physically and so on.
For the past couple of days I've had Jace over at my home and he's come with me to help take care of Paw Paw Neneth. He LOVES him sooooo much. How does a little boy learn to love someone he hardly knows?!
Our little Jace is so special!! He has so much love in his heart for everyone he meets and hasn't met. He is so intune with other's feelings. He is constantly wrapping his arms around my neck and planting his sweet little lips on my cheek and letting me know he loves me!
Jace and I were in the little entrance area at the Wal-Mart in Woodville and out of the blue he said, "Auntie Em, Stanley's in Heaven, huh?" (Stanley was Megan's cockateil who recently passed away.) I said, "Yeah, buddy. He's in Heaven." He looked at me and said, "In Heaven with Mama?" What do you say to that?! All I could think of was, "Yep, with Mama. What are they doing?" And he said, "Stanley's flying around up in the trees and Mama is working hard. She's working with Jesus."
Holy cow, Jace? How often has your Mama come to see in while you sleep or while your playing quietly? What does she tell you? Jace, your Mama was given a blessing a few days before she died by Marky and it told her that you would know who she is and would love her! You know who your sweet Mama is and you love her so much!! I hope you have all kinds of memories of her! I pray your daddy will return to the Gospel and will take you to the Temple to be sealed with your Mama for all eternity!! She wanted that so bad, Jace!
She wanted you so bad and when you finally came she was so happy! Cancer and all, your little sweet spirit made her day.
Jace...Hobo...remember who you are and that your Mama is not here physically, she is always with you. Heavenly Father loves you and He wants nothing but the best for you. Jace, you are so special to me - your my Hobo! My little helper! I love you so much!