Okay, I know not many people are concerned with my stud horse's genitals, but its all a part of keeping a stallion (even a gelding)! A gelding's sheath must be cleaned every year, sometimes more often, and a stallion, if being used at stud regularly, must be done quite often.
Poco Joe Sizzler, aka Lucky Joe, my AQHA registered stallion as been actively bred in several years. This last time he bred was in 2009 and I've let washing his sheath/penis slide.
When he was breeding several mares a season, I would wash him in between each round of mares and then in the Fall, before the cold weather set in. Which would often round out to be abour four cleanings a year.
Its no big deal, and by the second year of breeding, he was totally comfortable with everything a sheath cleaning involved.
Anyway, so when I wake up this past Saturday and find his sheath to be swollen, I paniced! #1 I've no money for a vet visit...I know, I know. Totally selfish and whatnot, but its a major part of owning a large animal. Large animal = large vet bill! #2 I don't have Excaliber (sheath cleaner)...by the way, I LOVE the name of the sheath/penis cleaner - Excaliber, like a sword...anyway! And #3 I know better than to let him go this long without cleaning him!!

This is about the state I found him in. Not too bad, but he's my baby and no one likes to see their baby...sick. Given, this "condition" is no more than an irritation. Like when your eye itches simply because you have some dirt or an eye lash in it. Its not infected, but could become so.
Heavenly Father knows just EXACTLY what it takes to get me to come to Him in prayer!! My horses... (just to name one reason). I basically told Heavenly Father that I could not afford a vet bill and to please guide me to help Lucky Joe the best I knew how to.
Thank you Heavenly Father for all answered prayers. Less than a week later, we're...he, Lucky Joe...is back to normal.
And thanks to all my horse- and non-horse friends for your prayers and your words of comfort, encouragement and advise!