My poor, sweet little sister had to have hip surgery last Wednesday...but on a good note, ------> I got to keep her kids!! I planned to do a lot more with them, but rain came. So, not complaining cuz we needed it so badly!
When I was keeping Jace full time, I bought him one of those hard plastic swimming pools with a slide. Claire enjoys 'water bending' (which I call splashing and have always detested) and Lindon thoroughly enjoys going down the slide...head first! Oh my! Auntie Em must be just totally paranoid!
But what we did, we had a BLAST! We, meaning the kids, swam nearly every day, we fed goats, we rode horses and visited with Grandpa Kenneth. Saturday was a very special day... We visited MOMMY AND DADDY!! After about five minutes of being there, I jokingly told Claire and Lindon to get their shoes on, we were headed home, figuring they would protest. Uuummmm, no! They obediently gathered socks, shoes and flip flops and headed to the door. Ooops...we're staying a bit longer. A wonderful visit, to say the least! A much needed mini-reunion for Sarah and Kevin.
After one especially rainy day on the way home from Woodville I told Claire to slightly lean out the window of the truck and hold her arm out as far as she could get it. There's a pretty good straight part of the graveled road that collect huge puddles of water. I hit them going a good 35 mph and drenched her arm. After cleaning tears and wiping away water I promised never to do that again.
You know what she wanted to do the very next day...? To stick her arm out (and her head) and get at wet as she could. Megan was with us, luckily, and had the brilliant (no joke, brilliant!) idea of getting both the kids and getting in the bed of the truck and fully experience the Odomville water park. We went up and down the road six or seven time.
We tried to video record it...after several attempts to set the camera up where it wouldn't get wet AND totally capture the fun, the batteries ran out and we gave up the effort. Good journal entry though!
The down part to keeping the kids came Monday night. Claire and I were comfortably sitting in the back room watching video on YouTube when in the middle of watching Beyonce dancing to the Single Ladies, I get the feeling to go into the kitchen.
Lindon was standing there and I say, "Hey buddy! Watcha doin?"
No response. He didn't look at me or made a sound.
He starts grabbing at his lips - he choking.
I hit him hard of the back and gets in up. He starts to cry and reach for me when he starts to choke again. I snatch him up and get to the garbage can, hitting his back a good two or three time again. He gets it up and vomits with it a bit. (As most know...I DON'T DO VOMIT!!! But thanks to a natural drug called Adrenaline...I really don't care.)
If that little boy could have burrowed into my chest, I'm sure he would have. He ends up vomiting two more times. In trying to calm down, sitting in the living room, sweet Claire brings him, or tries to, a pillow, a blanket, toys, a drink and a cookie. All "politely" refused by Lindon. Within ten minutes, he was back to his happy normal.
Important things I learned this week:
#1-Naps are NECESSARY! For my sanity, not really for the kids well-being.
#2-LuLu, aka Claire, is a wonderful big sister to her little brother.
#3-Booger, aka Lindon, is a lil' dare-devil, darn him!
I totally get how people get addicted to eBay! I get a thrill simply participating in the Kirbyville Livestock Auction. eBay is my new addiction. Thanks to PayPal and its "timely processing," I rarely buy. Until recently. I got a refund on an item I re-negged on and went on a shopping spree. I got my Christmas shopping done and even got myself a little something!
I have always said I would marry in the Temple and to a righteous, worthy Returned Missionary... But, if I met John DiMaggio tomorrow and he asked me to marry him...I'd so be knocking on the JP's door! What a talented, funny man!! I wouldn't say he's gorgeous, but he's my-kinda-cute. On that note, I am nearly caught up with watching the new season of Futurama and am waiting on the last full-length movie to come in the mail (my eBay purchase)! Can't wait! I <3 Bender Bending Rodriguez aka John DiMaggio!