I just LOVE doing stuff with my niece and nephews! I like to have them together, but alone, one-on-one time is important, too. Jace and I have had many opportunities to be together and do fun stuff, so I thought I'd take advantage of having Claire by herself. I gave her a few options and she decided she wanted to pick strawberries!!
Here we are at L&D's Strawberry Patch in Spurger.
(U-pick only strawberries @ only $1.40/lbs)

Here's our row, #32

"Look at this little cute baby one, Auntie Em."

Gammy decided to come with us and I'm glad
she did...we had SO much fun!!

Her bucket was almost full and
she just HAD to show us.

Showing us her loot...!
She was good
at paying attention and picking
the good ones.

Auntie Em (aka Me) and my LuLu (aka Claire)

Enjoying a bite while Gammy brings
in her bag to be weighed.


All I can say is, "Sorry Mom. I hope
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