* See blog titled "Happy People Just Don't Kill Their Husbands"
O! M! G! I asked Jarom to go on my one mile walk/jog with me. I figured it was "his" idea to put me on this exercise program, so why should he not be an active participant in my process/progress, right?! Holy cow, I've never sweat, hurt and whined so much!
We jogged a total of three separate times, maybe a total of 2/3 of a mile. RIGHT before the end of the first jog my bad ankle popped. Okay, it pops all the time, not a big deal. ...Until I got home and sat a minute. My ankle is swollen and hurts like nobodies business. I'm walked like an invalid. I may only do my walk/jog miles 2 to 3 times a week and just walking miles the rest...until I loose a bit more weight and get a bit more in shape.
Again, a big thank you to Jarom for getting me motivated! Seriously... people are starting to see it and I'm starting to need a new wardrobe... sweet!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Dusty Rose
The newest addition to my little horse family...Dusty Rose. She was brought home to stay February 1, 2010. The poor baby was SUPER thin, bloated with worms and pure water diarrhea! Her tail was matted with feces and she was completely not using one of her back legs. I paid WAY too much for her (which wasn't much to begin with). After two days on clean water, fresh hay and good grain her BMs were back to normal and after two weeks I was seeing some pep in her still gimpy step.
Jace is totally in love with "my Dusty," he calls her. That is his horse and he's not afraid to tell people so.
April 1, 2010
March 23, 2010
Sweet face

Jace is totally in love with "my Dusty," he calls her. That is his horse and he's not afraid to tell people so.
Jace with Dusty (five days being home)
Looking MUCH better...
Still got a-ways to go, though
After Dusty learned us and got used to having us around, she has turned out to be one of the sweetest little creatures on this earth. You can just look out the window and she's quick to nicker at you! She'll look deep in your eyes and just stare. She'll follow you around like a puppy and make a fuss over Jace and Claire. She's gentle, kind, and calm.
She has totally captured my heart...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
JT's Saturday Suprise aka Pearl
* Okay, I really don't like the way this website uploads pictures - the first five pictures are in the right order, but the last fast are not...I'll date them and you'll just have to view them as is...
Ah, Pearl! Where do we begin?! Pearl had an exciting birth... My mare, Scarlett, was due June 2004 with who we now know as Aurora, so when Dad came running into the house saying Scarlett had had her foal on March 27th and it wasn't a paint, we were all pretty perplexed.
I had bought Pearl's mother, Honey, from a friend at work whose husband was quite upset she kept escaping and getting into the feed bins... (Awww, memories of Honey) ....bought her October of 2003 and never had a clue she was pregnant. I picked her up from my friends house thin and not eating well and after several weeks of not improving I took her to the vet. She ended having to have all but three of her teeth pulled and being tube dewormed. The vet told me her condition should pick up... It really didn't. Her appetite picked up, but her weight remained the same.
Let's see...the Wednesday before our "little parasite" was born I called Dad at work and asked him, when he got home from work, to take care of Honey...(put her down). She wasn't getting any better, just getting worse (the vets aged her between 30 - 35 years old. ANCIENT in horse years.
He got home and said she would, but to wait over the weekend and if she was still not improving he would take care of it. Well, next thing you know we have this beautiful baby here! The first born (for me) on the Ox Bow O! I had bought Honey for Jarom. He had expressed to me he wanted to learn how to ride, but felt uncomfortable with the bigger horses...Honey was perfect. So we named the brown baby "JT's Saturday Suprise" and were going to call her Pearl. She had, and still has, a huge egg-shaped white marking on her forhead.
Pearl has been a joy to have and a pain in the rear to train. I say that with love... I LOVE Aurora like nobody's business, but Pearl in my first born. There's something special about her...
Okay...basics... Pearl's mother was a bay and white paint Welsh pony and her dad was a brown Mustang!! Luvs it!! Pearl is definitely NOT put together perfect. I've heard from several people that she would make gorgeous mule babies, so I will (eventually Rebecca) take her to be bred with a jack donkey.
Pearl really isn't a treat eater...she likes her "meat and potatoes." If she's gonna eat, she's gonna make it count! She HATES to be dewormed (she's the sweet heart who gave me the black eye several weeks ago). She loves kids and loves Aurora.
Ah, Pearl! Where do we begin?! Pearl had an exciting birth... My mare, Scarlett, was due June 2004 with who we now know as Aurora, so when Dad came running into the house saying Scarlett had had her foal on March 27th and it wasn't a paint, we were all pretty perplexed.
I had bought Pearl's mother, Honey, from a friend at work whose husband was quite upset she kept escaping and getting into the feed bins... (Awww, memories of Honey) ....bought her October of 2003 and never had a clue she was pregnant. I picked her up from my friends house thin and not eating well and after several weeks of not improving I took her to the vet. She ended having to have all but three of her teeth pulled and being tube dewormed. The vet told me her condition should pick up... It really didn't. Her appetite picked up, but her weight remained the same.
Let's see...the Wednesday before our "little parasite" was born I called Dad at work and asked him, when he got home from work, to take care of Honey...(put her down). She wasn't getting any better, just getting worse (the vets aged her between 30 - 35 years old. ANCIENT in horse years.
He got home and said she would, but to wait over the weekend and if she was still not improving he would take care of it. Well, next thing you know we have this beautiful baby here! The first born (for me) on the Ox Bow O! I had bought Honey for Jarom. He had expressed to me he wanted to learn how to ride, but felt uncomfortable with the bigger horses...Honey was perfect. So we named the brown baby "JT's Saturday Suprise" and were going to call her Pearl. She had, and still has, a huge egg-shaped white marking on her forhead.
Pearl has been a joy to have and a pain in the rear to train. I say that with love... I LOVE Aurora like nobody's business, but Pearl in my first born. There's something special about her...
Okay...basics... Pearl's mother was a bay and white paint Welsh pony and her dad was a brown Mustang!! Luvs it!! Pearl is definitely NOT put together perfect. I've heard from several people that she would make gorgeous mule babies, so I will (eventually Rebecca) take her to be bred with a jack donkey.
Pearl really isn't a treat eater...she likes her "meat and potatoes." If she's gonna eat, she's gonna make it count! She HATES to be dewormed (she's the sweet heart who gave me the black eye several weeks ago). She loves kids and loves Aurora.
Honey and Pearl
March 27, 2004
Her first pictures...hour or so old.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Poco Joe Sizzler aka Lucky Joe
Poco Joe Sizzler's sire (father)
Sizzlers Smokey Joe
Poco Joe Sizzler's dam (mother)
aka Precious
at Martin Quarter Horse Ranch
at about 6 months old (with Rugrat, a half brother)
When Lucky Joe first came home he had "rain rot," kinda like mange for horses, so he had to receive many Iodine-based baths - he still, to this day, gives us trouble when he has to have one.
Look at that confirmation!
November 2003
I LOVE this pictures - gotta get it framed!!

July 20, 2006
November 15, 2006
December 11, 2008 - Lucky's First Snow
September 29, 2009
March 23, 2010

I LOVE this pictures - gotta get it framed!!

July 20, 2006

Well, I've decided to write a blog entry for each of my precious four-legged children. Today I'll start with Poco Joe Sizzler aka Lucky Joe. He is a bay Quarter Horse stallion registered with The American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA). He has a snip (white marking on his nose) and two hind socks (white markings that are at or below his ankles) with no other markings.
We'll start with the basics...he does not have perfect confirmation, but the vet tells me he has correct confirmation. He has sensitive skin that becomes a problem in the spring when he starts shedding his winter coat and the bugs start coming out. He often looses the top part of his tail hairs because he's scratching his bum on any available tree. He LOVES sweet feed (all stock pellets and oats with LOTS of molasses), but he responds to the sugar REALLY well and he's not allowed anything more than a treat. He is the sweetest stallion I have ever come in contact with...
Let's see - he was bred and raised at Martin Quarter Horse Ranch just up the road from me. I was totally in love with his dam (mom) and when he was delivered I knew he was to be mine. At about two weeks of age he, what we thought, broke his back, left leg in the hock (knee) area, but on a vet visit after I bought him, we discovered it was a really bad dislocation/sprain. It'll swell from time to time and he'll limp on it, so we don't ride him much... Anyway, he was born April 10, 2001 and he was 11 months old when I bought him.
He gets into "perdicaments" all the time and if you can't find him, he's tangled up in barbed wire that was on the fence like 2 seconds ago or the vines along the fence line or tangled in his feed trough (yes...he's been stuck there, too) or behind a semi thick row of trees.
He enjoys the flavor of his worming medicine and takes his shots well. He stands perfectly still for grooming and semi-still for farrier (trimming hooves) services. He HATES to be loaded in the trailor, but will unload like a dream. If he's breeding a mare, he'll dismount and come right up to you like he's a gelding (neutered male horse). He treats his "girlfriends" very sweetly.
My poor mare came home banged up and scratched all over and hair missing (from another stallion)... but not Lucky Joe! He talks to them quietly and gets to know them and when he's breeding, he's gentle and calm. The filly that was just born was out a mare that has been "proven" to be a non-breeder, (a female horse who does not allow the stallion to breed her), but after only six weeks with Lucky Joe, a gorgeous baby was born!
He has seven offspring - 3 boys and 4 girls - in that order! (Those pictures will be a later post).
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Ashlei's Happy!
May 8th will be a day we will all remember for quite some time. It was the day that Ashlei's Temple work was done! We had been planning for several weekends to go and get it done, but something kept coming up and we weren't able to go. Things worked out just right to where Jace would be able to come with us - funny how Heavenly Father works things out!
Mom and Dad had a meeting they had to attend, so that meant I had to drive my own vehicle - eeekk!! Wasn't that bad, though. Megan and I have even made a goal to go atleast every quarter! 190 to 59, 59 to 1960, 1960 to Champion Forrest Drive, Temple on left - crazy easy!
With Mom, Sarah, Megan and me, we were able to each particpate in ordinance! What a wonderful day!

Mom and Dad had a meeting they had to attend, so that meant I had to drive my own vehicle - eeekk!! Wasn't that bad, though. Megan and I have even made a goal to go atleast every quarter! 190 to 59, 59 to 1960, 1960 to Champion Forrest Drive, Temple on left - crazy easy!
With Mom, Sarah, Megan and me, we were able to each particpate in ordinance! What a wonderful day!
Jace sitting on the Temple grounds
Did you notice his hands are in the shape of a heart?!
(I didn't notice until I was putting the pictures from the camera to my computer)
Angel Moroni
Which Jace thought was really cool
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Wonderful Weekend...Mostly
I am so dead-gum sleepy! I guess I'm like my great Aunt Sylvia - when the moon is high/bright we can't sleep. Saturday was such a spiritual day and spiritual days really get me feeling like I need to recharge. We did Ashlei's Temple work Saturday and had the opportunity to take Jace with us. He was excited and we've been talking, lately, of going to the Temple. He recognized it before I could tell him we were there! He's such a special little boy. He listens and takes in all the information you give him, especially about the church.
He knew we had to whisper when we were inside the Temple and he knew he wasn't supposed to run on the grounds and play in the fountain, though I said he could so I could get a cute picture, (which will be posted pretty soon...keep forgetting my camera in various random places).
Anywhoozers...then Sunday was spiritual/exhausting. Jace wanted to stay the night with Mom and Dad and I knew it was a mistake. He seems to not get to bed until the wee hours of the morning AND we had church at 9am. Plus, he was sick... So, I had a 3 1/2 year old who was super whiney!! Everything would bring tears and a "hold me." "What do you want for breakfast Jace?" "WAAA!! I don't want breakfast?" "What quiet toys do you want to bring today?" "WAAA!! No toys!!" Eeeerrrrrr.... And to make it worse, when I got him home and down for a nap, Heber and Angel came by to get him and have dinner with us, and was awaken early - about 1 1/2 hours early. I love my brother and I know he hasn't seen Jace in a week, but seriously...let the baby sleep! Jarom came by to wake him up and I told him, "Watch! You wake him up and he'll say something about me!" So he let him sleep, but after 3 visits from Jarom, 1 from Megan, 3 phone calls from Dad and 2 from Mom, I finally gave in and woke the poor kid up.
And what did my goober brother say? "He's only been here a week and you've got him spoiled!" I've kept my mouth shut all my life. (One of those, if its not true don't worry about it, kinda things.) Well I spoke up immediatly, "No, Heber. I've had a sick kid for the past week, he got very little sleep last night AND he was got up early from a much needed nap. That's why he's whiney."
Anyway, this is not gonna be a gripe blog...but it does seem Heber has insecurities about his fatherhood/Jace/and me.
Lucky Joe's 7th baby has arrived!!! On tax day, April 15th. A beautiful red dun/sorrel little filly. I'll get pictures of her up soon, too!!!
Fixin to sign up for a few classed through Angelina College out of Jasper - gotta start back slow on this schooling thing. Pretty excited and ready to get the ball rolling!
Spent a good few minutes at the Cemetary Sunday with Jace and Jarom. They always give some little gift at church to the mother's that the Primary kids pass out and this year they had carnations. We had Jace grab one for his Mom and we had him place it where he wanted it at Ashlei's gravestone. He enjoys going there. He knows his mama's not there, but he "talks to her" and tells her what's he's been up to. And he'll rearrange all the flowers and stuff around the grave stone the way he wants it. I want it to be a place where he can feel peace - I think he does!
He knew we had to whisper when we were inside the Temple and he knew he wasn't supposed to run on the grounds and play in the fountain, though I said he could so I could get a cute picture, (which will be posted pretty soon...keep forgetting my camera in various random places).
Anywhoozers...then Sunday was spiritual/exhausting. Jace wanted to stay the night with Mom and Dad and I knew it was a mistake. He seems to not get to bed until the wee hours of the morning AND we had church at 9am. Plus, he was sick... So, I had a 3 1/2 year old who was super whiney!! Everything would bring tears and a "hold me." "What do you want for breakfast Jace?" "WAAA!! I don't want breakfast?" "What quiet toys do you want to bring today?" "WAAA!! No toys!!" Eeeerrrrrr.... And to make it worse, when I got him home and down for a nap, Heber and Angel came by to get him and have dinner with us, and was awaken early - about 1 1/2 hours early. I love my brother and I know he hasn't seen Jace in a week, but seriously...let the baby sleep! Jarom came by to wake him up and I told him, "Watch! You wake him up and he'll say something about me!" So he let him sleep, but after 3 visits from Jarom, 1 from Megan, 3 phone calls from Dad and 2 from Mom, I finally gave in and woke the poor kid up.
And what did my goober brother say? "He's only been here a week and you've got him spoiled!" I've kept my mouth shut all my life. (One of those, if its not true don't worry about it, kinda things.) Well I spoke up immediatly, "No, Heber. I've had a sick kid for the past week, he got very little sleep last night AND he was got up early from a much needed nap. That's why he's whiney."
Anyway, this is not gonna be a gripe blog...but it does seem Heber has insecurities about his fatherhood/Jace/and me.
Lucky Joe's 7th baby has arrived!!! On tax day, April 15th. A beautiful red dun/sorrel little filly. I'll get pictures of her up soon, too!!!
Fixin to sign up for a few classed through Angelina College out of Jasper - gotta start back slow on this schooling thing. Pretty excited and ready to get the ball rolling!
Spent a good few minutes at the Cemetary Sunday with Jace and Jarom. They always give some little gift at church to the mother's that the Primary kids pass out and this year they had carnations. We had Jace grab one for his Mom and we had him place it where he wanted it at Ashlei's gravestone. He enjoys going there. He knows his mama's not there, but he "talks to her" and tells her what's he's been up to. And he'll rearrange all the flowers and stuff around the grave stone the way he wants it. I want it to be a place where he can feel peace - I think he does!
Friday, May 7, 2010
I'm Not Racist...Really!
Okay...let's start slow...
I love all people and by "all people" I really mean all people! As a group, ALL people are wonderful, its when you narrow a group down to the individual where the trouble starts.
I posted a comment on facebook the other day. One of those "...if you agree, you will repost..." I normally don't because of all the gripe I get, but I did this one because I totally agree. Something like, "If you cross the North Korean border illegally, you'll get 12 years in prison, if you illegally cross the Afganistan border, you'll get shot and if you cross the American border illegally you get a job, a driver's license, government paid health care and social security."
I know with all the hulla baloo with illegal Mexicans, this post was created... I really don't care if you are Mexican, Brazilian, Egyptian, Chinese, Turkish or British... if you come to America ILLEGALLY, you need to (in the VERY least) be sent home!
One young gentlemen put in his two cents..and this is America and he has every right to it (which is why I didn't delete it)... that American envokes desires in other countries people to want to come here, or something like that. GREAT! WONDERFUL! I'm all about "bring us your poor, your hungry, you huddled masses burning to breath free." But when you come here, illegally, you are breaking the law. You are creating, for yourself, the problems you will have when you are caught. I know, personally, TWO illegal immigrants. They are a mother and daughter and are the sweetest, most hard-working pair of people I know! But they are here illegally.
Because I want a big screen TV, can I just walk into a Best Buy and pick one up? Wait...! Wait...! The Best Buy store, with its fancy commercials and because my brother and sister have one, has envoked these desires in me...should Best Buy pay for my TV and me get it for free?! Its not fair...all that does is make the price go up for those who will pay for the TV with their own money, right?
Different scenario...VERY SAME CONCEPT!!
Rules are rules and all should follow them! ALL! SHOULD! FOLLOW! THEM!
Like I said, black, white, yellow, red, brown, purple, green... I really don't care... I don't care...
I know several oriental, mostly from the Philipenes who were given free schooling when they immigrated to America. Free...!! All but one became doctors (the other an RN)! DOCTORS!! Making BIG moolah...BIG! But they were asked to stay in a rural area and help those less fortunate than them instead of returning home for the rest of their lives, (after receiving free American schooling). You know who stayed, helping those less fortunate?! All of them!! "...the least they could do..." I've heard from all their lips.
Now these grants these doctors recieved AS IMMIGRANTS are NOT available to citizens born here in the U.S. of A. That's fine...my American dream is to do things on my own and make something of myself.
The point I'm trying to make is when you come to America illegally YOU close doors on your OWN face. You have to work for cash under the table...which is illegal act #2 and "hide." If you come here legally, many doors are opened to you! You can even get living allowances until you're settled, you can get free schooling... heaven forbid, though, you'll have to pay taxes of "huge proportions" to those who are still coming into America illegally, right?! You did it right...as your punishment for following the rules, let's give Jane Doe free prenatal care for the last month of her pregnancy, so when she has the baby at an American hospital, she and the baby will WAMO become legal citizens!
Every choice has a consequence. If you speed you will get a ticket, but wait!... that speedometer said it could go up to 260...darn that care for envoking a feeling of wanting to go fast. Anyway, if you shoplift you will go to jail. If you murder, you will go to prison. If you study for test, you will pass. If you brush your teeth, you won't have bad breath. I don't want to hear your belly-aching when a cop pulls you over for a missing tail light and asks to see your driver's license and finds out you are here illegally and arrests you.
Just like all the precautions that are taken at an airport. I know I have nothing to hide...therefore I don't mind taking off my shoes and socks two or three times to prove it to keep ME safe on a plane. If I had to do it 10,000 times... If I vacationed in...where ever...and got asked to present my legal passport to every single official every half hour for the entire stay...I'm okay with that! THEY are looking out for THEIR people and that's nothing but right!
I love all people and by "all people" I really mean all people! As a group, ALL people are wonderful, its when you narrow a group down to the individual where the trouble starts.
I posted a comment on facebook the other day. One of those "...if you agree, you will repost..." I normally don't because of all the gripe I get, but I did this one because I totally agree. Something like, "If you cross the North Korean border illegally, you'll get 12 years in prison, if you illegally cross the Afganistan border, you'll get shot and if you cross the American border illegally you get a job, a driver's license, government paid health care and social security."
I know with all the hulla baloo with illegal Mexicans, this post was created... I really don't care if you are Mexican, Brazilian, Egyptian, Chinese, Turkish or British... if you come to America ILLEGALLY, you need to (in the VERY least) be sent home!
One young gentlemen put in his two cents..and this is America and he has every right to it (which is why I didn't delete it)... that American envokes desires in other countries people to want to come here, or something like that. GREAT! WONDERFUL! I'm all about "bring us your poor, your hungry, you huddled masses burning to breath free." But when you come here, illegally, you are breaking the law. You are creating, for yourself, the problems you will have when you are caught. I know, personally, TWO illegal immigrants. They are a mother and daughter and are the sweetest, most hard-working pair of people I know! But they are here illegally.
Because I want a big screen TV, can I just walk into a Best Buy and pick one up? Wait...! Wait...! The Best Buy store, with its fancy commercials and because my brother and sister have one, has envoked these desires in me...should Best Buy pay for my TV and me get it for free?! Its not fair...all that does is make the price go up for those who will pay for the TV with their own money, right?
Different scenario...VERY SAME CONCEPT!!
Rules are rules and all should follow them! ALL! SHOULD! FOLLOW! THEM!
Like I said, black, white, yellow, red, brown, purple, green... I really don't care... I don't care...
I know several oriental, mostly from the Philipenes who were given free schooling when they immigrated to America. Free...!! All but one became doctors (the other an RN)! DOCTORS!! Making BIG moolah...BIG! But they were asked to stay in a rural area and help those less fortunate than them instead of returning home for the rest of their lives, (after receiving free American schooling). You know who stayed, helping those less fortunate?! All of them!! "...the least they could do..." I've heard from all their lips.
Now these grants these doctors recieved AS IMMIGRANTS are NOT available to citizens born here in the U.S. of A. That's fine...my American dream is to do things on my own and make something of myself.
The point I'm trying to make is when you come to America illegally YOU close doors on your OWN face. You have to work for cash under the table...which is illegal act #2 and "hide." If you come here legally, many doors are opened to you! You can even get living allowances until you're settled, you can get free schooling... heaven forbid, though, you'll have to pay taxes of "huge proportions" to those who are still coming into America illegally, right?! You did it right...as your punishment for following the rules, let's give Jane Doe free prenatal care for the last month of her pregnancy, so when she has the baby at an American hospital, she and the baby will WAMO become legal citizens!
Every choice has a consequence. If you speed you will get a ticket, but wait!... that speedometer said it could go up to 260...darn that care for envoking a feeling of wanting to go fast. Anyway, if you shoplift you will go to jail. If you murder, you will go to prison. If you study for test, you will pass. If you brush your teeth, you won't have bad breath. I don't want to hear your belly-aching when a cop pulls you over for a missing tail light and asks to see your driver's license and finds out you are here illegally and arrests you.
Just like all the precautions that are taken at an airport. I know I have nothing to hide...therefore I don't mind taking off my shoes and socks two or three times to prove it to keep ME safe on a plane. If I had to do it 10,000 times... If I vacationed in...where ever...and got asked to present my legal passport to every single official every half hour for the entire stay...I'm okay with that! THEY are looking out for THEIR people and that's nothing but right!
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