Thursday, May 13, 2010

Poco Joe Sizzler aka Lucky Joe

Poco Joe Sizzler's sire (father)
Sizzlers Smokey Joe
Poco Joe Sizzler's dam (mother)
aka Precious

First picture I have of Lucky Joe
at Martin Quarter Horse Ranch
at about 6 months old (with Rugrat, a half brother)
When Lucky Joe first came home he had "rain rot," kinda like mange for horses, so he had to receive many Iodine-based baths - he still, to this day, gives us trouble when he has to have one.

March 2002
Look at that confirmation!
November 2003
I LOVE this pictures - gotta get it framed!!

July 20, 2006
November 15, 2006
December 11, 2008 - Lucky's First Snow
September 29, 2009
March 23, 2010
Well, I've decided to write a blog entry for each of my precious four-legged children. Today I'll start with Poco Joe Sizzler aka Lucky Joe. He is a bay Quarter Horse stallion registered with The American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA). He has a snip (white marking on his nose) and two hind socks (white markings that are at or below his ankles) with no other markings.

We'll start with the basics...he does not have perfect confirmation, but the vet tells me he has correct confirmation. He has sensitive skin that becomes a problem in the spring when he starts shedding his winter coat and the bugs start coming out. He often looses the top part of his tail hairs because he's scratching his bum on any available tree. He LOVES sweet feed (all stock pellets and oats with LOTS of molasses), but he responds to the sugar REALLY well and he's not allowed anything more than a treat. He is the sweetest stallion I have ever come in contact with...

Let's see - he was bred and raised at Martin Quarter Horse Ranch just up the road from me. I was totally in love with his dam (mom) and when he was delivered I knew he was to be mine. At about two weeks of age he, what we thought, broke his back, left leg in the hock (knee) area, but on a vet visit after I bought him, we discovered it was a really bad dislocation/sprain. It'll swell from time to time and he'll limp on it, so we don't ride him much... Anyway, he was born April 10, 2001 and he was 11 months old when I bought him.

He gets into "perdicaments" all the time and if you can't find him, he's tangled up in barbed wire that was on the fence like 2 seconds ago or the vines along the fence line or tangled in his feed trough (yes...he's been stuck there, too) or behind a semi thick row of trees.

He enjoys the flavor of his worming medicine and takes his shots well. He stands perfectly still for grooming and semi-still for farrier (trimming hooves) services. He HATES to be loaded in the trailor, but will unload like a dream. If he's breeding a mare, he'll dismount and come right up to you like he's a gelding (neutered male horse). He treats his "girlfriends" very sweetly.

My poor mare came home banged up and scratched all over and hair missing (from another stallion)... but not Lucky Joe! He talks to them quietly and gets to know them and when he's breeding, he's gentle and calm. The filly that was just born was out a mare that has been "proven" to be a non-breeder, (a female horse who does not allow the stallion to breed her), but after only six weeks with Lucky Joe, a gorgeous baby was born!
He has seven offspring - 3 boys and 4 girls - in that order! (Those pictures will be a later post).

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