* I declare that "P.S. I Love You" is a GREAT, heart-wrenching, heart-felt, heart-heeling movie! It is my new fave!
* I declare that I now MUST read the book!

* I declare that Hilary Swank, on a scale of 1 to 10, gave a 12+ performance in this movie! It is, by far, the best thing I have seen her in, so far...

* I feel that I now MUST declare that Gerard Butler is a "cutie patootie." Which is kinda weird, because I've never thought so before. Sure he's tall, dark and handome, has an accent and is totally rugged in appearance...okay, I guess he's always been a "cutie patootie." Never Mind! ;)

* I MUST now declare that all who read, MUST now watch this movie. Even if you've seen it before... please, watch it again. Take my word for it, ITS AWESOME!! A very bitter/sweet, happy/sad movie. I normally HHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTEEEEE these kinds of movies, but this one has something special.
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