We're not in the store five minutes and the cashier yells back, "Does anyone have a red truck?"
Hhhmmm, I do..., I think to myself.
"Yes! I do!"
"Well, someone to just hit and drove off."
"What? For real?"
After a sweet couple wait around for me to finish my purchase and get my wits about me - and the police station phone operator tells me to come to the office, offers to go down with me and turn in a witness report and the other clerk at Payless says she will gladly talk to the police after her shift or if they could come to her.
The license number that man got matched a truck out of Fort Worth (could have read it wrong Officer Neel said).
We thought we were at a dead-end, "we" meaning "I."
Officer Neel says he believes Payless has cameras inside and outside the store... Dad knows a City of Jasper officer and texted him about 3 hours after I was home. They have outside cameras!!!!!!!
I'm supposed to call back Tuesday and talk to a Detective to check the progress of my case.
Ya' know, if this chick or backed into my had no insurance and would have told me so, I would have brushed it off. No big deal. The dent you put in my truck does not effect its ability to drive! But since you drove off and four people saw you...YOU'RE SCREWED!!! I hope they find your sorry butt...
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