Monday, October 31, 2011

Seasonal Obsessions

My obsession is now seasonal! How freakin cool is that?!

I want one! Not that pumpkin... House! ;)

Happy Halloween - Ba Hum Bug!

I'm not usually one to spread the holiday cheer. If Cindy Lou Hoo were to be a member of Odomville, I would not be awarded the Holiday Cheer Myster Award, that's for sure! I'll put up a few decorations and what-not for each major holiday, but I'm not one to say "Merry Christmas!" or "Happy Thanksgiving!" or "Happy 4th of July!"

Never really have been...

But anyway. The topic of Halloween and its history has been stuck on my mind for the past, oh,... 2 minutes. The origin of ghouls, skeletons and all that Halloween has its green and orange hands on, I find it kinda interesting.

This blog will not go into all that! You'll have to do your own research!

Total point of this blog is to share my surprise that my newest favorite author is the miracle maker, per se, behind The Halloween Tree. None other than Ray Bradbury.

Mr. Hall, my lovable English 1301 teacher, had us read a short story of his "Summer Rituals," and I remember in high school reading Fahrenheit 451, (which I am, again, reading - LOVE IT!)

Now my OCD has me grabbing for my debit card and searching and eBay, trying to find a decently, held-together copy. Wish me luck!

* By the way, YouTube has a free viewing feature of the full-length cartoon. Pretty neat, if you ask me.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

And I'm Thankful, So Thankful!

Today I am thankful for!

It allows me to watch Season 8 of House when the TiVo refuses to work, (for whatever unknown reason)! And since FOX refuses to play re-runs (you're killing me people!), I just, simply, cannot pick up the current episode during the six days between airings. Stupid FOX! (But thankful you do air House on your network, regardless...) :D

Monday, October 24, 2011


My English 1301 teacher gave our class an end of year assignment last week. He wants us to write a research paper. It has to be something we are totally not emotionally attached to (example: if we had a family member to die from cancer, we cannot write about cancer) and we have to be totally logical in all aspects of the paper and to persuade our readers to our thesis, (so not just a simple research paper).

After (much) delay, I have my topic. At first I was just going to prove with documented facts that Chronomentrophia (the fear of clocks) was a real mental disorder. But now... I'm making it much more interesting! And my teacher LOVES it!

Now... BASED on documented facts, cases, etc. on Chronomentrophia, I am going to diagnose Captain James "Jaz" Hook. I am going to, in 5 - 10 pages, prove that he was not a madman, but a mental disturbed man.

I am now emotionally attached - does this mean I have to change my topic? I am having so much fun with this!! I'll post the paper when I get it written and by the first of December I should have a grade.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

181st Semi Annual General Conference - Sunday Afternoon Session

Russell M. Nelson
Twelve Apostles
A covenant is a sacred agreement where the terms are set by the Lord.
We get to participate in the gathering of Israel.
We know who we are and what He expects of us.

Dallin H. Oaks
Twelve Apostles
What do we believe about Jesus Christ?
What are we doing because of that belief?
He gave us eternal life - ONE reason to worship Him.
Focus on Jesus - not the world.
"What think ye of Christ?"
Where is your ultimate allegiance?
Ask - Seek - Knock
Receive - Find - Opened

Matthew O. Richardson
2nd Counselor of the General Sunday School Presidency
Be a REAL missionary.
The best two year FOR my life, not of!
Our ability to teach is the Holy Ghost.
Teach BY the Spirit.
Mirror the Spirit - be diligent in putting our feet in His footprints.
Align our teaching with the Spirit's teachings.
1. Spirit teaches personally. Line upon line. Focus on the people - not the lesson.
2. Holy Ghost teaches by invitation - we must learn and act for ourselves - we have agency. We must invite, too!
"How can I help you to learn for yourself?"`
*Hiking Story* "Look how far we've come!" Go one step at a time.
Use the teaching method of the Spirit is all we do.

Kazuhiko Yamashita
The Seventy
The love and attitudes you show others is very significant.
Always show love!
3 Things to bring on a mission:
1. Desire to preach the Gospel - go, quickly, to the rescue!
2. Develop your testimony - necessary tool.
3. Love others - Christ's love
Missionaries are a treasure of this Church!

Randall K. Bennett
The Seventy
We have the gift of choice.
Evaluate the choices we make.
We can't make choices without eternal consequences.
We knew there would be trials - we knew we could make choices that would lead us to Heavenly Father - or away from.
When we make a choice, we are choosing our own consequence.
We have only TWO choices:
1. Choose the Savior, or
2. Choose the world (not the Savior
Safety and Joy in the Savior.
Errors will not correct themselves - Correct early!
It is never too late to choose eternal life.

J. Devn Cornish
The Seventy
Our Heavenly Father loves us so much that what is important to us, it is important to Him.
Open prayer to our Father in an attitude of reverence and of worship.
*Bible Dictionary - Prayer*
Ask for blessings.
DO for ourselves first.
Do things the Lord's way - we will be happier.
Say our prayers - Live for our prayers.
"Live as directed!"
Miracles are brought about through prayer.

Quinten L. Cook
Twelve Apostles
There is a bright future for each of us!
1. We have a Father who loves us and understands us.
2. Jesus is our Savior - the Atonement.
3. Mortal life - Eternal life
Be appreciative of the blessings we receive and appreciative of the trials we avoid.
Thank the Lord for preserving you.
The Savior's Atonement always has enough lifeboats for everyone (Titanic/LDS member story).

Thomas S. Monson
Heavenly Father is mindful of each of us.
He is mindful of our trials. Seek Him through prayer.
Increase our kindness to each other.
Nourish our testimonies - it is our protection.
Remember me (the prophet) and the leaders of the Church in our prayers.
He is willing to go far for us.
"I love you!"

Monday, October 3, 2011

181st Semi Annual General Conference - Sunday Morning Session

Henry B. Eyring
1st Counselor in the General Presidency
Our Promises
1. Be Charitable
2. Witnesses of God
3. Endure
1. Charitable - those who give and those who receive will feel the Savior's love.
2. His Witness - "What will God have me do?" The effect of the Book of Mormon on our testimony, courage is certain in our sharing of it.
3. Endure - "savor the world as if time as stopped..." Have a fixed determination to keep His commandments

Robert D. Hales
Twelve Apostles
Our trials are ALWAYS for our good and our experience.
Joy cometh in the morning - we must wait (hope & anticipate) on the Lord.
Always "thy will be done"
Be kinder to one another AND to ourselves.
Be willing to submit to all that the Lord has in store for us - good and bad.

Tad R. Callister
Presidency of the Seventy
The Book of Mormon claims to be the word of God - all of it!
*Will it (anything) draw me closer to God or further away?
Why/How can the Book of Mormon be when we have the Bible? "Two or more witnesses"

Elaine S. Dalton
General Young Women President
A Temple marriage is worth our effort and our highest priority.
Eliminate anything evil from your life.
Honor the priesthood.
Show true strength - Virtue.
"You are not ordinary men" - speaking of priesthood holding fathers.

M. Russell Ballard
Twelve Apostles
We are blessed to take up on ourselves the name of Christ.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:
-of Jesus Christ - His Church
-of Latter-day Saints - same church as the One He set up when He was on the earth
-Saints - His People, those who follow Him
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it describes who are are and what we believe. It is a name of distinction, we need to use our full and correct name.

Thomas S. Monson
Moral is NOT passe'
We are responsible for our actions.
Our code of conduct is not negotiable.
The Lord's consistency is our anchor.
We will be entitled to the Lord's guidance through prayer.
Trust in the inspiration the Lord gives us - be worthy to receive it - Act of it!
Communication with our Father is necessary to weather life's storms.

181st Semi Annual General Conference - Saturday Afternoon Session

Bro. David A. Bednar
Twelve Apostles
Initial instructions to Joseph by Moroni
1. The Book of Mormon
2. the role of Elijah
To seek after our dead - the greatest responsibility is given to us by our Heavenly Father
The "divine nature of the family" is the Holy Ghost's message of the spirit of Elijah
Genealogy is the responsibility of all age groups
Technological aptitude of the Youth is evidence of the Lord training the Youth now to do genealogy (on familysearch)
Testimonies will grow
We will be protected during our youth and the rest of our lives IF we do genealogy
It's more than a name - it's people

Bro. Neil L Anderson
Twelve Apostles
First commandment given to the people on earth - have kids.
"Children is what gave God gave you time for."
No words are sufficient for a righteous father
"It was not the Garden of Eden where Adam & Eve bore children."
Families are central to the Father's plan

Ian S. Ardern
The Seventy
We must use our time wisely
We will be required to account for our time
Prioritize our time - it will lead to procrastination otherwise
Love is spelt T-I-M-E
Poor use of time is idol
Busy v. Productive
We are (should be) masters of ourselves

Carl B Cook
The Seventy
"It is better to look up" -Pres. Monson
Can do - Will do
Have faith to look up and have courage to follow
His leadership is constant
Look up - Step up - Cheer up
"The Lord is my light, then why should I fear?"

LeGrand R. Curtis, Jr.
The Seventy
Redeem is to "buy back"
Less active "come back, repent, do the Lord's work"
My joy by day, my dream by night

D. Todd Christofferson
Twelve Apostles
Repentance should be with joy!
It leads to a better life.
It leads us to God.
It points us to freedom and celebration.
Only through the Atonement
Aspects of Repentance:
1. Invitation is an expression of love. Do not be afraid to repent or call others to repent.
2. Strive to change. No real effort from us is mocking Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane (spelling?) Virtue loveth virtue. Steadily improve to live the Celestial Law!
3. Abandon sin - committing to God NOTHING LESS than a covenant to God.
4. Requires a seriousness of purpose. It is sometimes painful. TRUE repentance is not superficial.
a. confess - acknowledge of sorrow, bitter tears, potential despair becomes hope.
b. forsake - repair damage as far as can be done. Then a covenant can be made. Then "my soul is filled with joy." If they do not repent , then they should "suffer as I."
5. What ever cost - it is swallowed up in the joy of forgiveness. How can bad times be forgotten? Through the morning of forgiveness. "I the Lord will remember them no more."

L. Tom Perry
Twelve Apostles
Members impress non-members the most.
People are curious of us.
We should be good examples - share who we are.
Be bold of our declaration of Christ.
We need to have a love for God and all others.
"Walk by Faith"
1. Love others
2. Righteous examples to others
3. Speak up about the church. It is better for others to ask then us to tell. Be clear in what you say. Do not be contemptuous. Use the Internet to share religious light. Do not hesitate. Communicate honestly and directly. The Lord will provide the Holy Ghost to those who need It. Help others to understand and how to understand
Invitation to share - love will be our companion when sharing the Gospel.

181th Semi Annual General Conference - Saturday Morning Session

Holy smokes! What an awesome weekend this was! Here are some (MY) highlights from General Conference.

October 1, 2011
Saturday Morning Session

* Missed the first talk * :(

Sis. Barbara Thompson
2nd Counselor of the General Relief Society
Personal revelation; D&C 6
1. Desire
2. Pray
3. Be diligent - do not harden your heart.
Many forms will come by revelation - a song, a verse, a line in a talk.
Many challenges - our testimony will get us through them with help from Heavenly Father.
"Meet together oft"

Bro. L. Whitney Clayton
Presidency of the Seventy
The Church will continue to grow and spread through-out the world.
Prophecy given in a dream of King Nebacanezer and translated by Daniel.
"Scarcely scratched the surface..."

Pres. Thomas S. Monson
"Building Temples has gone on uninterrupted, my brothers and sister!"
- Temples announced.

Jose' L. Alonso
The Seventy
Doing the right thing at the right time without delay is service.
Some do not realize they are lost, we must not delay - they could become lost forever.
Be willing the serve them (less-active, etc)
Heavenly Father expects our devotion.

Boyd K. Packer
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
poem "The Old Crow"
We are in enemy territory.
We do not know what is ahead of us.
A Proclamation to the Family.
Every person with a physical body has power over those who do not - Satan.
IF ...if you follow the Lord, you will be blessed...
the VOICE of teh Lord is a feeling, not an audible voice.
"You will not make a major mistake without a warning from the Spirit."
The Atonement - we can be forgiven - we just need to go to Him.
"Repentence will heal hurts."
Listen to the Spirit.
We will be protected IF we listen to the promptings of the Spirit.
We are never far from the side of the Savior.
"The outcome of this war that began in Heaven IS NOT unknown - the adversary wil loose!"
"Trust in the Lord! Be trustworthy!"

Pres. Dieter F. Uchtdorf
2nd Counselor of General Presidency
A vastness of worlds were created by God.
"I know that man is nothing" -Moses
But...the worth of souls is great.
Everything that God created is for our benefit.
"Worlds without end is within our grasps."
Humble yourselves and be exalted.
"The Lord does not care if we work in marbled halls or stable stalls." - He knows where we are.
"Always remember you matter to Him"
1. God loves the humble and meek
2. He entrusts the Gospel to the weak
3. No matter how humble you may appear, you are not invisible to Him
4. What you experience now, will not be what you experience tomorrow. He will not forget or forsake you.
* Hold on!
* Remember Him!
He sees you as His Child - you matter to Him!
Be worthy of His blessings for you.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

House, MD

My new obsession...

With a wild whim or boredom, I asked Megan for her seasons of House (the first three) and became, increasingly with each viewing of the episodes, totally hooked on the show.

I have since forfeited time on studying and...other watch at least two episodes in one setting - a time span on about an hour and forty-five minutes. I have since purchased, through Amazon, season 4, 5, and now 6.

I've completed the viewing of season 4, 5 should come in the mail tomorrow and 6 by next Monday. I get paid (yesterday, technically) tomorrow and you can bet that season 7 will soon be on its way. (Plus, I need to order season 1-3 for my own collection...OCD!)

Plus, season 8 starts tomorrow (the 3rd) on FOX. It will be TiVo-ed, but I'm too OCD to watch it until I get through all the previous seasons. Too super excited!!!

And...its been decided that I enjoy House's company - not Hugh Laurie. Though, I do bask in the light of a man who can play multiple instruments and speaks with a freakin' awesome accent! I tried to watch Stuart Little...not the same. I like House... <3