October 1, 2011
Saturday Morning Session
* Missed the first talk * :(
Sis. Barbara Thompson
2nd Counselor of the General Relief Society
Personal revelation; D&C 6
1. Desire
2. Pray
3. Be diligent - do not harden your heart.
Many forms will come by revelation - a song, a verse, a line in a talk.
Many challenges - our testimony will get us through them with help from Heavenly Father.
"Meet together oft"
Bro. L. Whitney Clayton
Presidency of the Seventy
The Church will continue to grow and spread through-out the world.
Prophecy given in a dream of King Nebacanezer and translated by Daniel.
"Scarcely scratched the surface..."
Pres. Thomas S. Monson
"Building Temples has gone on uninterrupted, my brothers and sister!"
- Temples announced.
Jose' L. Alonso
The Seventy
Doing the right thing at the right time without delay is service.
Some do not realize they are lost, we must not delay - they could become lost forever.
Be willing the serve them (less-active, etc)
Heavenly Father expects our devotion.
Boyd K. Packer
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
poem "The Old Crow"
We are in enemy territory.
We do not know what is ahead of us.
A Proclamation to the Family.
Every person with a physical body has power over those who do not - Satan.
IF ...if you follow the Lord, you will be blessed...
the VOICE of teh Lord is a feeling, not an audible voice.
"You will not make a major mistake without a warning from the Spirit."
The Atonement - we can be forgiven - we just need to go to Him.
"Repentence will heal hurts."
Listen to the Spirit.
We will be protected IF we listen to the promptings of the Spirit.
We are never far from the side of the Savior.
"The outcome of this war that began in Heaven IS NOT unknown - the adversary wil loose!"
"Trust in the Lord! Be trustworthy!"
Pres. Dieter F. Uchtdorf
2nd Counselor of General Presidency
A vastness of worlds were created by God.
"I know that man is nothing" -Moses
But...the worth of souls is great.
Everything that God created is for our benefit.
"Worlds without end is within our grasps."
Humble yourselves and be exalted.
"The Lord does not care if we work in marbled halls or stable stalls." - He knows where we are.
"Always remember you matter to Him"
1. God loves the humble and meek
2. He entrusts the Gospel to the weak
3. No matter how humble you may appear, you are not invisible to Him
4. What you experience now, will not be what you experience tomorrow. He will not forget or forsake you.
* Hold on!
* Remember Him!
He sees you as His Child - you matter to Him!
Be worthy of His blessings for you.
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