All my life I have been taught to forget myself and try to help others because we know that, and I'm paraphrasing, that when you loose yourself in the service of others you find yourself.
In the past I've always been too afraid, or shy, or felt like I didn't know this person well enough to say anything. With the experiences of life and knowing that sometimes it is a stranger that saves someone's life most of the time has really helped me follow the spirit and help when I can.
I can't say that I've always gone about it the correct way, but with experience and being more intune to the spirit, I have to say I've gotten better. The responses I've receieved from most have been... well, not taken well. But I can say, without a doubt in my mind, that the things said were said in love, in concern, and by the spirit.
One example happened two or three years ago with a family in our Primay (3-11 year olds) group at church. Three of their four kids were on our rolls and they had not been attending Primary, specifically, in almost a year. (I knew the main reason, as well, and this had to do with my delay in bring our our primary presidency concerns to their attention). But with encouragment from Branch, Stake, and First Presidency leaders and a a challenge issued, I was asked/volunteered (after much prayer from our counsel and my, personally) to talk to the mother, who herself was less, less active.
The words I got back from her... Broke my heart. Nothing was said or even addressed with what she said I had said to her. My only question to her was, "How can I and the primary presidency help you as parents help to encourage your children to attend primary." Wow! You would have thought I had called her an unfit parent!
Moving right along, though, as to not dwell. I like to read blogs - blogstalk, you will. The ones I really love, connect with, find interesting, find encouraging, I publicly follow. Of this one that I'm speaking, I follow publicly and make semi-frequent comments. Without names and specifics, she has been having a really hard time for a while and knowing, somewhat, what she's feeling I try to offer uplifting words. Recently, she made a comment about not attending church and didn't plan to for awhile. This is never a good thing!
Jeffery R. Holland spoke at our Stake Conference about two years ago and he said something that has stuck with me. He said (again paraphrasing), "The time to jump ship is not during the storm. Neither before the storm or after." I tried to share a smidgen of my testimony or church attendance, taking the sacrament, and keeping the spirit close.
I don't EVER say these things for a "Thank you Emelie! You saved my life! I am indebted to you!" response! I always try to seek the spirit and to say (or not say) things that will help.
Wow at the comment back. I was judging and was blessed with a Pres. Holland requote. Which, by the way, if the scripture reference given was read, was not saying what it was saying. You know how you can leave out a sentence before and a sentence after and it changes the whole meaning of the middle sentence. Yeah... I know Pres. Holland, not personally, but he has ALWAYS... required... demanded... STRONGLY encouraged church/gospel attendance.
So, to give another quote from Pres. Holland, from the same website (BYU Speakers) in an address on March 2, 1997. He says,
"Come unto me, all ye that are labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
"For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
"That is my basic message to each of you tonight, wherever you live, whatever your joys or sorrows, however young or old you may be, at whatever point you may find yourself in this mortal journey of ours. ...I ask you to 'come unto him' as the imperative step in getting there, in finding your individual happiness and strength and success.
"When Andrew and Phillip first heard Christ speak, they were so moved,... they followed him... Sensing that he was being pursued, Christ turned and asked the two men, 'What seek ye?'
"They answered, 'Where dwellest thou?'
"And Christ answered, 'Come and see.' ...'Come follow me.'
So, my question to all those suffered or happy... What seek ye? What do you want? You know what, who cares what you want right now? Christ does! He wants us to be happy, but not just happy - He wants us to be find JOY! A full and true happiness. And where can we find that?! "Come and see! Come follow me!"
We find our happiness in Him! No where else in this world!
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the ONE TRUE Gospel. His Church is perfect! The people, however, are not! People are people. They are so greatly imperfect! DO NOT LET SOME ELSE DECIDE YOUR EXALTATION! Like the two sisters in early church history, that we learned about in last weeks Sunday School lesson, do not leave Christ's perfect Gospel over stolen cream! That is so stupid, if I can speak boldly!!
No matter how offended or hurt I am by members, non-members, less active, alike, I will do what I have to do for MY exaltation! I will follow Him!