Sounds a bit selfish, and I guess it is... I do want things served to me on a gold platter, but I don't have to have it that way because I don't "need" it that way. I'm willing to work for it, but I want it given to me when I've put in my dues. And I have...its long over due for me to be happier - Happy period!

It's not selfish in the least. :) You deserve to have a "me" phase.
ReplyDeletesee...after i thought a bit (and said a prayer)...this is my "me" phase. i don't have a family demanding my attention at every second of the day - kids and husband. (though i do have grandpa...but if i didn't have grandpa, i would have a "real" job demanding my time). i don't know what i meant? maybe...all the duckies i WANT becoming all the duckies i HAVE, i guess... :/ i want what i want. am i a spoiled brat?! its a bit (a lot!!) difficult to see all those around me, including younger siblings getting all the things i most desperately want more than anything else! a spouse and kiddos. :'( i'm okay, or i'll be okay. i've been trying to saying little prayers here and there on top of the routine ones and i've been reading my patriarchal blessing real often and that's helped... just going through a slump - again. thanks sarah! i love you!