Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Bit of Perspective

There was a CES Fireside this past Sunday that I am BEYOND grateful I attended! Lately, my [spiritual] goal has been to really try to listen to the Spirit and follow the Spirit. To be courageous. To be fearless. To not be ashamed. To not second guess.

This CES (and most/all) fireside was for 18-30 year old, married or not married. I was praying the Thursday night and Friday morning before this fireside about how I could help Ava. I wanted to lift him up, to encourage him, to let him know he can count on me, etc.

As I was walking with my Mom Friday evening and we discussing the plan for Sunday evening (rides, speakers, location, etc.) when Ava popped into my head. Nothing new, he tends to do that...often. But then the Spirit told me "Invite him." Okay, I will. Promise.

"Invite him now," the Spirit told me. I had just (like ten minutes previous) gotten off the phone with him and promised to call him after our walk, after I had helped Grandpa into bed, and after I had studied for school and done my nightly scripture study and prayer.

"Invite him now," I was told. So, I listened...and followed. No fear (never is when talking to my Fatu), no second guessing.

He immediately said he would want to go. Okay. Great. Why? "None of your business," is pretty much the response I got from the Spirit. Really, though, it wasn't like that. To be more honest and truthful it was more like, "Trust me."

The talk Pres. Holland gave was so good! Not that "I" felt Ava needed to hear that part. I did more than he. But when Pres. Holland gave those listening an Apostalic blessing... I felt like that was tailor made just specifically for Ava. Every word, every sentence, every paragraph.

So thankful for the Spirit's promptings...and for the ETERNAL perspective I've gained from heeding the promptings given to me. It is a sweet feeling to be used as an instrument by a loving Heavenly Father.

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