Russell M. Nelson
Twelve Apostles
A covenant is a sacred agreement where the terms are set by the Lord.
We get to participate in the gathering of Israel.
We know who we are and what He expects of us.
Dallin H. Oaks
Twelve Apostles
What do we believe about Jesus Christ?
What are we doing because of that belief?
He gave us eternal life - ONE reason to worship Him.
Focus on Jesus - not the world.
"What think ye of Christ?"
Where is your ultimate allegiance?
Ask - Seek - Knock
Receive - Find - Opened
Matthew O. Richardson
2nd Counselor of the General Sunday School Presidency
Be a REAL missionary.
The best two year FOR my life, not of!
Our ability to teach is the Holy Ghost.
Teach BY the Spirit.
Mirror the Spirit - be diligent in putting our feet in His footprints.
Align our teaching with the Spirit's teachings.
1. Spirit teaches personally. Line upon line. Focus on the people - not the lesson.
2. Holy Ghost teaches by invitation - we must learn and act for ourselves - we have agency. We must invite, too!
"How can I help you to learn for yourself?"`
*Hiking Story* "Look how far we've come!" Go one step at a time.
Use the teaching method of the Spirit is all we do.
Kazuhiko Yamashita
The Seventy
The love and attitudes you show others is very significant.
Always show love!
3 Things to bring on a mission:
1. Desire to preach the Gospel - go, quickly, to the rescue!
2. Develop your testimony - necessary tool.
3. Love others - Christ's love
Missionaries are a treasure of this Church!
Randall K. Bennett
The Seventy
We have the gift of choice.
Evaluate the choices we make.
We can't make choices without eternal consequences.
We knew there would be trials - we knew we could make choices that would lead us to Heavenly Father - or away from.
When we make a choice, we are choosing our own consequence.
We have only TWO choices:
1. Choose the Savior, or
2. Choose the world (not the Savior
Safety and Joy in the Savior.
Errors will not correct themselves - Correct early!
It is never too late to choose eternal life.
J. Devn Cornish
The Seventy
Our Heavenly Father loves us so much that what is important to us, it is important to Him.
Open prayer to our Father in an attitude of reverence and of worship.
*Bible Dictionary - Prayer*
Ask for blessings.
DO for ourselves first.
Do things the Lord's way - we will be happier.
Say our prayers - Live for our prayers.
"Live as directed!"
Miracles are brought about through prayer.
Quinten L. Cook
Twelve Apostles
There is a bright future for each of us!
1. We have a Father who loves us and understands us.
2. Jesus is our Savior - the Atonement.
3. Mortal life - Eternal life
Be appreciative of the blessings we receive and appreciative of the trials we avoid.
Thank the Lord for preserving you.
The Savior's Atonement always has enough lifeboats for everyone (Titanic/LDS member story).
Thomas S. Monson
Heavenly Father is mindful of each of us.
He is mindful of our trials. Seek Him through prayer.
Increase our kindness to each other.
Nourish our testimonies - it is our protection.
Remember me (the prophet) and the leaders of the Church in our prayers.
He is willing to go far for us.
"I love you!"