Saturday, October 2, 2010

Honorable Mention(s)

Just a few interesting notes from this week...

* Jarom's snake, who seems to have tripled in size over night (literally), is trying her darned-est to escape from her now too small 10 gallon tank. She's a Ball Python by the name of "Baby Girl." Yeah! Baby Girl! Not so baby anymore darlin', but I do love her! She's so pretty... yes, I said the snake is pretty!

* Yesterday, while Dad was building me a rabbit shed, I saw a dragonfly viciously take down a gorgeous butterfly in mid-flight! Holy smokes! It was like WWII in the insect world! Nnnnnnnnnn-yyyyoooonnnneeeeee!!! Mayday, mayday, mayday, we're going down! I did try to save the poor thing, but I had to follow my goat fenceline to the gate, then walk pretty much to where I started, but on the other side of the fence, and by the time I got there, the dragonfly had killed the butterfly.

* I have a clinically diagnosed (by me) INSANE rabbit!! I am so not kidding! About a week ago, when things started to just get cold, I decided to put a bit of hay in with each rabbit. I got to her cage and started to put some in for her. She went crazy! Running around her cage so fast she hit her nose on each wall and nearly jumped out!
I have the rabbits, for the time being, their cages, sitting on sawhorses. Dad decides to use the wooden ones and we pick up this double cage and set it on the ground. Out of danger and the way and we're able to start working on the shed. We measure the first board and he starts his skill saw and she goes completely N-U-T-S! Running around her cage and mach 5 and slamming her nose on every corner of her cage. THEN, she falls over on her side, eyes as big as quarters, and quits breathing. It upset me, of course, but being a farm girl, I was kinda like, "Okay, she's dead. No big deal." THEN, she starts gasping for air. Like mouth wide open and lungs working overtime! She's starts trying to get up, but not making much progress. Least I can say is, "Well, if I find her dead in the morning..."
I decide to remove her completely from sight, for her sake, and we begin again. We take a small break, to locate more nails, and I check on her. She's up. Not moving, but up on all fours, and wobbling like she's had a few too many to drink.
I check on her this morning, A-Ok. Like nothing ever happened! One crazy bunny!

* Last Wednesday, the 22nd our math class took a practice test and I made the only A, a 97! WOO-HOO!!! Teacher was absent the following Monday, when we were supposed to take our mid-term. Took the test Wednesday, the 29th. I think I did really good! I'll let you know...

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