Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ain't it Great? Pearl is 8!

Excuse the picture, she refused to be still...
Could have been the mosquitos, though. :)

My sweet little first born turns 8 today! How times flies! (Cliche', I know Mr. Hall!)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Time Out!

Just to mention something funny...

I was blessed to keep my 2 1/2 year old nephew, Lindon, while his parent's were with his sister, Claire, in the hospital.

Lindon and I tease each other constantly. SOMEONE, name with held *cough*megan*cough*, taught him that I don't like throw up and to be tickled and he'll make throw up noises or tickle me. And I'll grab his B (blanket) and say, "My B!" And he'll tell me, "No! My B!"

When I had him I told him to, "Go to time out! Forever!" We giggled and hugged and got sugars and had a great time! The next day I was teasing him and wasn't going to let him have chocolate milk. Know what that little booger told me?! You guessed it, "Time Out! 'ever!"

What a toot!

Up Above The World So High!

Sunday night was an amazing night! I had sticky fingers for my Grandpa's old fiddle and asked him if I could drag it out from the back of the closet. (Not so) suprisingly, he allowed us to!!

He let Megan and me "fiddle" with it (hahahahaha!) for a time then taught us to listen to the notes being played as we drew the bow over the strings. And he taught us/we taught ourselves to play Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

Watching his face light up as he saw our faces light us as we got each note correct was beyond words! For the first time, I'm sad to say, in a long time, I saw him completely happy! And I do have to mention that I know for a fact that Grandma was in that room with us, if not many more family members who have passed on, listening to our little "jam" (if it can be called that) session.

Next lesson ----> we'll learn Maiden's Prayer, one of Grandpa's favorite. Then, he'll teach me to play In The Pines and Megan will learn a song of her choice.

Though Grandpa is a cause of anxiety in my life, he sure is a blessing in my life as well. More of a blessing! Much more of a blessing that a burden! Much more! I do love him!

Solve, Part 2

Thanks to the Quadratic Formula (that I always seem to forget about...) the problem I had trouble with can now be solved. And could have been solved in last semester's class. 95% of the time I forget about this never-fail formula.

Since I can't write it out as it should appear, you'll have to discern it is written.

The Quadratic Formula:

(-b +/- *the square root of* b^2 - 4(a)(c)) / 2(a)

The (so far) answer we had then was -3(a^2+2a+11)=0

First, you'll take the -3 and simplify it: -3=0. Um, nope! So that eliminates that.

Then, you'll take the remaining: a^2+2a+11. To fill in the polynomial in the formula we know that a=1, b=2 and c=11. Use those numbers and fill in the blanks.

(-2 +/- *the square root of* 2^2-4(1)(11)) / 2(1)

That simplifies into, (try to keep up): (-2 +/- *the square root of* -40) / 2

Simplify the square root of -40 and you'll get: -2 +/- 2i *the square root of* 10 / 2

And all that will simplify down to: -1 +/- i *square root of* 10

Any mathematicians need to correct me? Please feel free to do so, because I'm still not 100% positive this is correct.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Four Months Left...

Give or take about four months and my little brother will be leaving for the MTC in Provo to go on a mission! the Philppines!!! Holy Smokes!! So excited and yet so very... excited! :)