Tuesday, October 30, 2012

This New Culture

...is welcoming, gracious, humble, and soon to be mine.

Ou te alofa ia te oe, fatu suamalie!

3 X 100 = 300

After, um, two or three weeks of cutting - I'm done! ...with the cutting!

100 pieces of three colors. 300 pieces cut! Holy smokes, I thought I'd never get it done! But I did!

Now I have to start sewing them together. Thank goodness for modern technology, right?! I think I'm going to have the brown in the middle. What do you think? Once I start getting them together I'll post more pictures.

To progress!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tools vs Instruments

Satan uses tools. While he's using you sometimes it'll seem like you're doing something good. You're being brought in the dirt, out of the dirt, you're hoeing, you're discing, you're harrowing - really putting forth a lot of effort. You could be preparing for a garden, you could be preparing for the foundation of a home, but you could also be playing in the dirt. Breaking a sweat and really churning up some dirt. But you could be just playing in the septic system.

And what happens to those tools when you're done with them? When Satan is done with them? You? He puts you in the shed, or just casts you out. Leaves you out in the weather, covered in dirt (or poo). He let's you rust. He let's you just...lie there. Until he needs you again. Oh, he'll clean you off a bit, but right back into the dirt you go! (Or poo).

But, Christ. He uses instruments. A skilled player. He turnes a piece of wood (or other material) with a few different sized wires on you and pulls hair across those strings and that wood is turned into a beautiful piece of art. A beautiful sound.

And when he's done with you? He's not done! He polished you, tightens your strings, replaces them if He has to. He puts you away in a satin-filled, hard-shelled case and puts you in a safe place until He needs to play you again - for the benefit of others or sometimes, just for the benefit of Himself. To spend one on one time with you, listening to your sweet sound.

What are you? Are you a tool? Or are you an instrument?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Cinderella Complex

If Cinderella's slipper fit so good at the end of the story, then why did it fall off so easily as she was running?

This is a question I've always asked myself.

Something else I've heard all my life is NOT to have a Cinderella-Complex about love. That nothing about love is "fairy tale", perfect or happy all the time.

To those who said that - did they watch the movie? - listen to the stories of the princesses?

Their lives were FAR from perfect or happy... until the end. And even then, the movie doesn't go on to show us their lives together. I'm pretty confident in saying that it wasn't perfect either.

So what is to be learned here?

That's the next question I ask myself.

Firstly, where am I in my Cinderella story?

For a time (a long time) I was Snow White at the well singing to myself "someday my prince will come."

And now I feel like Pocahontas where I'm singing "why do all my dreams extend just around the riverbend." So very close, but not close enough for me to grab onto.

Christmas Eve night, they saw, is the hardest part of the day before Christmas. Trying to settle excited kids into bed, finishing up cleaning and cooking, wrapping those last few presents. For me, it was always that morning and during the day. Christmas Eve night was always the easiest because I knew all I had to do was fall asleep and Christmas morning would be there when I awoke. But Christmas Eve day... Wow! You had all day to think about the very next morning. The presents! The music! The food! The family! The DAY!

The purpose of Cinderella losing her slipper? The purpose of Snow White living with seven dwarfs, the purpose of Pocahontas fighting the current of the river?

Love. Marriage. A husband. A family. Things very worth waiting for. Things very worth fighting for. Things very worth being very prepared for. Things very worth waiting for the right moment - when BOTH are ready. Cinderella's prince was ready, she wasn't. Snow White's prince was ready, she wasn't. Pocahontas was ready, but her prince wasn't.

When did they get their happy ending? When both were completely ready.

On my countdown until my prince and I are both ready: 48

Yes, I have a Cinderella Complex! I know who I am and I know what I and Ava, both, deserve and are entitled to. I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father, a King, and that makes my a Princess. Ava is a son of God, a Prince. I am willing and able to fight my hardest for the things He has in store for me, for us. And if that means simply waiting and fighting Satan's temptations, then that's what I'll do. I'll fight to the very end until we get the Cinderella ending that the Lord has in store for us!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I Think I'm Good...

Let's just say that "I'm Good. I 'think' he loves me." Only difference between this article and Ava is that it didn't take him long to "drop the L-word." First date, within five minutes he made his intentions/goals very clear! I just needed time to catch up... :)

Shine by Yahoo!

It's no secret that guys can take for-ev-er to drop the L-word. But just because he hasn't said "I love you" yet doesn't mean he isn't head over heels for you. We got real men to spill on the signs a guy is crazy about you.

By Cosmopolitan

1. You Catch Him Staring at You
Men always ogle the objects they desire - it's the reason you're always busting us cleavage-peeping. So consider: With all that eye candy out there, if it's you he's staring at, his affection runs deep. There's the secret stare (you'll have to catch him in the act). "Watching my girlfriend at a party allows me a private moment when I can pinch myself and wonder how I deserve this amazing person in my life - a perspective I can't get when she's right there in front of me," says Patrick, 30.

2. He Gazes in Your Eyes
Another I-love-you look is the steady gaze. Guys are guarded when it comes to showing emotion. If they lock eyes for a full-tilt, unabashed stare, they're lowering their shield to let you in. "I'd never hold that sort of eye contact with anyone else, but an intense gaze with my girlfriend reflects how comforted and captivated I am by her," says Chip, 29.

3. He Buys Food You Like
Discovering that his kitchen is loaded with biscotti, lemon-lime seltzer, and other feminine edibles (that would only pass his lips at gunpoint) shows you're lingering on his mind in the most unexpected, unromantic places - like the produce aisle on a solo shopping trip. "One day I checked out my shopping cart and saw all the bags of baby carrots and bottles of diet soda meant for my girlfriend," says Patrick. "It struck me that it had become second nature for me to consider what would make her happy, and that's when I knew I was in love."

Related: 7 Signs You're Ready to Get Married

4. He Keeps Your Stuff Out at His Place
He's gone public with your place in his pad. You see, men like to maintain at least the image of being detached for as long as possible. So leaving unmistakable evidence in our home that there's a woman present in our life is a bright red flag that you're The One.

5. He Talks About the Future
Telling you he plans to relocate out West one day may seem like a neon warning. However, it might also be his wily way of letting you know that he wants you in his future. "Every time I tell my girlfriend where I see 'me' down the road, I'm really trying to gauge whether she sees herself there with me," says Jon, 26. How do you know when a guy's just bragging about his game plan and when he's quietly declaring his love? It's all in the way he talks. If he tells you he wants to move to Tahiti, be a beach bum, and ogle the local girls, no dice. If he mentions that he sees himself eventually settling in San Francisco, then immediately asks if you could ever envision living there, he's emitting serious long-term relationship rays.

6. He Wears the Sweater You Gave Him
Trusting you behind the wheel of his wardrobe is something no man does readily. Not that guys are really all that picky about their appearance, it's just that we pride ourselves on being, well, ourselves. "Blame it on the inflated male ego, but to permit any tampering with our identity, even if it's for the better, is considered a sign of weakness," explains Seth, 29. Consequentially, every time a guy does don some item he obviously didn't pick out for himself, he's showing that he's letting you take control and do a little remodeling.

Related: The Most Iconic Mini Skirt Moments of ALL TIME

7. He Stands Right Next to You in Public
Where he stands when you're out together says a lot about where you stand in his life. Consider this key truth: Guys are hard-wired to check out women. That's why when a man's still uncertain about his feelings, he'll either trail several feet behind you or get out in front and lead the path - two safety positions that keep his wandering eyes hidden. Sidling up shoulder-to-shoulder is his way of showing his commitment by keeping his eyes right where you can see them. Plus, sticking close puts him in range of being touched in public by you, and that limits his ability to go after a sexy chick he may spy. "Being side-by-side puts my girlfriend within lips' reach, making it easy for her to whisper in my ear or lean in for a surprise quick kiss," says Ryan, 27. "It's my way of telling other women that I'm taken."

8. He's Okay With You Answering His Phone
Men never know what potentially image-damaging force might be lurking on their phone - from ex-girlfriends looking for a last hurrah to an overly inquisitive mom. If we let you answer that jingling time bomb, it means there's absolutely nothing about us we want to keep concealed from you. "Men aren't big on sharing. So when a guy lets you grab the phone - possibly making you privy to personal information you could use to blackmail him for the rest of his life - it means he's planning on staying with you for a very long time," says Rich, 29.

A Letter From Elder Odom

-----Original Message-----
From: Jarom Odom
Sent: 10/16/2012 5:07:35 PM
To: nrsbj1999@hotmail.com
Subject: What's UP!

Dear Mom and Dad,

I will go ahead and say that the first day was extremely harrd! Going to sleep that night was tough and that's when it really hit me hard. Right before I left, Elizabeth gave me a letter she wrote to me the day before I entered the MTC. That letter made all of my fears go away and I felt peace. When you get a chance, or every chance you get, thank her. Thank her for me and for everything because she is truly an angel and her letters keep me focused and happy not distracted and homesick. The language is coming by very good. I know more Tagalog in the past week than I know spanish for two years. I can say prayers in Tagalog by heart and say my testimony. I can understand Tagalog and im getting the locig behind the pattern of sentence structure. I'm doing veryy good. I have two companions and we stay in a room called the Celestial Room because its biig and nice and its the only one like it with wood walls. One is Elder Slater from Utah and the other is Elder Clarke from New Zealand. His acsent is so cool. He says American Lolis instead of candy. I love my district and we have more fun than anyone else. Every other district and even the Branch Presidency comes to our classroom to have fun and hear STORY TIME! We have story time all the time. I just figured out how to get on here so forward this email to everyone. Tell Elizabeth to keep sending those letters and that my Branch President, President Anderson, married his girlfriend that completely waited for him. Everyone is so jealous of my relatonship with Lizzie. I know of only two other people here that has the same thing going on. I need an electric razor, money on my card, and a manicure kit. Other than that im good. Tell everyone that I love them, Mom, Dad, Emelie, Ava, Heber, Angel, James, Aubrey, Jace, Kevin, Sarah, Claire, Lindon, and Megan. I play a lot of basketball and I bench the most of anyone. I did 250lbs 15 time!! now I'll say a prayer in tagalog.

Ama po namin sa langit. nagpapasalamat po kami para sa mng pomilya namin. paki-basbasan po ninyo kami na marandaman ang espiritu santo. sa pangalan ni jesucristo amen.
Dear heavenly father. please bless our familys. please bless us to feel the spirit. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


Continued Answered Prayers

The picture above is how I feel/felt sometimes these past 6 1/2 months. But now...I know how to swim, fight off sharks, and fight with my life for my life.

Things are moving along quickly now. As quickly as they can now. I guess it feels quick compared to the lack of movement of the past six months.

The hardest part of this section has been finding "her" and getting a real address. Ava and I have offered prayers together and seperately about this. On Monday morning, the very day we were to have the address to the lawyer, we found a working address. If "she" had not received "notice" yesterday, then it is to be today that "she" does.

From the day things were filed, though, is when the 60 day count down started. That 60th day is December 11th - just FYI.

So very excited. So very ready.

The Walking Dead

Okay, DishNetwork, what are you thinking? I know you wanted more money from AMC, but did you know that The Walking Dead is one of the most popular TV series on television right now? And did you think that you would loose a butt-load of customers because of it? And not only will they leave your company, they'll go to your #1 competitor?

No biggie on my part, the most difficult thing for me would be calling ya'll to give you an immediate cut-off notice and patiently listening to your whole "I'm sorry, but..." story and super sad explanation of reasons I already know about.

Then, magically, not too long after you loose a lot of your followers you'll get AMC back and offer this cool/exciting/great deal to new customers, but not counting the ones you just lost (because they've been loyal for any number of years and paid your ever rising prices while the "new" customers got all the new and cheap deals). So, again, you're loyal customers who really don't want to change services because of the hassel, are screwed over again.

Think I'll get Netflix...

Le Quilt

Here is the short-hand design for the quilt I'm making for dear Ava.

If its in any hard difficult to understand...yeah, 'cause it is. The thoughts that go into designing a pattern for a quilt, for my anyway, are totally abstract and often make no sense until I start actually cutting out the pattern inself.

There are three colors, as explained earlier: brown, navy blue and black. Because of the bottom piece of fabric (a king size flat sheet) I've had to make the squares 10" x 10" and the stripes of color in each square 3-ish" x 10". And the entire quilt will be 100" x 100".

I got all the black and brown stripes cut out - 100 OF EACH! For me, cutting out the material itself is crazy boring! I try to imagine starting the sewing part of the quilt, or tacking it, or FINISHING it, or using it to try to keep me motivated... Let's just say, cutting out the material takes me FER-EVA!

Time wise, this one is coming along nicely, though.

Proud of myself.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Teen Mom

It's over, ...but they keep dragging it on! What's with the cruel and unusual punishment MTV? Why?!

I'm going to miss this show. Is it this group of Teen Mom's or the whole group: Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2? Does this include 16 & Pregnant?

An Answered Prayer

FYI - this is extremely personal info. I know you're thinking, "Then why put it on the internet?" Well, hardly anyone reads my blogs and I love to "journal" and those who do read this are my closest friends and probably know some or all of what's going on anyway. What you read here, again, is private. Please, do not talk amoungst yourelves. This stays between me and you. Not, you and you, ok?

So when that blessing I got from Dad and Pres. Livingston said that things would be "...taken care of soon." It really meant, like, soon!

(Thought this was funny)

That blessing was given on Sept 30th, the appointment with the new lawyer was yesterday, the 10th. We were in and out in, like, fifteen minutes! She is AMAZING! Where has she been for the past 6 1/2 months?!

I don't know how she feels about publicity, so I won't share her name via the internet, but I am more than willing to share her name privately. If you're curious, just ask me and I'll let you know (private message on FB, text, call, email, whatev').

What we knew before meeting her: she is aggressive, she is good, she is fast

What we know after meeting her: she will not be "drug along", she does not tolerate "difficult people", and she loves what she does and is efficient

After our meeting with her I told Ava that I had not been able to eat all day and I was past hungry. He suggested we go to La Enchilada (gotta tell ya', he gives me what I like). At one point in the meal he got himself tickled and I had to inquire. He was laughing at what I had said/done at the close of the meeting. Story is as follows... She had him sign the job/pay agreement thing and then I asked when things could be started; if we had to pay all the fee now or could payments be made, etc. She said if she could get enough to her now cover the filing fee, then (because it was so late in the day) she would file first thing in the morning and then we could get her paid off within 60-75-ish days. Then I said, "Let me write you a check then!"

Ava said he was laughing at my eagerness. Well, aren't you eager, too, my Love?! Yep...

So, starting today, the 11th, we'll have to wait about 75-ish days and we'll be done and we'll be announcing a Temple date!

I asked, worse case scenario, that if his current wife contested anything, what would the time frame be. She told us that based on what we told her that IF she contested anything she'd have to hire a lawyer and would have to come to Texas with him/her to the hearing in Tyler County. And, again, based on what we told her, she probably wouldn't do that...

Let me say this to those who "talk" - I love my Heavenly Father and this man so very much and it has been more than difficult to behave in such a way that would permit us to go to the Temple to be sealed at the soonest time available; behaving in all shapes and forms. I have waited much too long (about 10 years) to ruin my/our chances of a Temple marriage now! With that being said, we have behaved ourselves and when this thing is done, we will go the the Temple...and you just may not receive an invitation to attend. You'll be more than invited to attend the reception, though.

Return with Honor

Wednesday was an awesome day!! For one (the second will be posted on a seperate blog) my parent's, along with Elizabeth and Ashley, dropped of Jarom at the MTC in Provo! He'll spend about three weeks there in Provo, then he'll fly to the Philippino MTC for nine weeks.

Then...into the mission field.

Jarom, Ava and I are so very proud of your decision to serve the Lord for these two years! We know you'll do wonderfully and you'll work your hardest. We love you so much. Please let us know if you need or want anything and we'll do our best to help you. Ava mentioned visiting Samoa in the summer of 2014 - maybe we'll "swing" by and pop in on you. That'd be a cool adventure!

I get a text from Dad early Wednesday morning saying that Jarom had his phone on him and to call him soon so we could talk to him one more time before he was dropped off. That whole day (on top of being nervous/excited about our appt) I was so emotional. When I finally felt I had gotten myself under control long enough to speak to him, I made the call... He answered, "Hey..." I lost it! I boo-hoo ed like a baby. He laughed and giggled at me, without making fun of me, and we spoke for less than two minutes about how excited he was. I'm going to miss him so much, but I know the Lord will take care of him and be with him...and us...for this time.

I told him to try not to intimidate those little Philippino people too much. And to write me back...

Return with Honor little brother.

Return with Honor Elder Odom.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

[Sew] - A Needle Pulling Thread

Since I love making quilts and I love my sweetheart, I figured I could join my two loves! I'm going to make my Fatu a quilt for Christmas. I have just under three months to design/make the pattern/put together/finish this king size, literally, quilt. I got this!

I asked him his three top favorite colors... I already knew that blue (which is mine, too. Uncanny how "connected" we are, right?) was his numero uno fave. He also likes black and dirt brown. I thought I'd make a quilt with 12" x 12" patches and those patches will be 4" x 12" stripes of navy blue, dirt (aka cowboy) brown, and black. One corner going vertical and the next going horizontal. (Pictures of design, hopefully, will be posted along with progression).

I'm so excited. Not only that I'm making another quilt and that its for him, but this will be the quilt that we will eventually share as husband and wife - very Little House on the Prairie, I think!

So, I go into Wal-Mart (with HIM, no less) and look at material. WHAT?! Like $5 a yard for PLAIN, SINGLE COLORED MATERIAL?! Really?!

I great idea from my Aunt's mother: buy flat sheets for the material instead... Compared to in price? WWAAAAAAAAYY cheaper! Like, WWAAAAAYYYYY cheaper! And 98% of the time the material is of a better quality!

Keep you posted...

182nd General Conference, Sun. PM

* Robert D. Hales, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
-Are we Christians? What is a Christian?
-Being a missionary
-Follow Christ
-Become more Christian christians!
-Kind, compassionate to all
-Christian patience - serving others

* Richard G. Scott, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
-Baptisms for the dead
-Geneology work
-Doind the ordinance
-Any time spent in the Temple is time well spent
-A sure way to eliminate Satan from day to day life - Do your own family work
-Geneolgy is a spiritual work
-Work is being done on both sides
-Begin now!
-The Lord will help

* Russell T. Osguthorpe, Sunday School General Pres.
-What to teach, how to teach
-Conversion (a lifelong quest) requires us to:
-Learn, Teach, Testify of blessings
-Learn, Love, Teach

* Marcus B. Nash, of the Seventy
(Another that hit close to home)
- 1. Faith - cables along a steep mountain trail; strong guidlines
-Principle of action - steep trail
-An assurance moves us to act
-Acting brings power of the Lord
-Endure...in faith...to the end
-Reason=Faith, wings on the same plane
-Learn by study AND faith
- 2. Fear distracts from the Savior
-Look to Me in every thought
- 3. Sin takes away the Spirit
-Be diligent in keeping from sin
-"The futures is as bright as your faith"

* Daniel L. Johnson, of the Seventy
-Why help others when you need help as well?
-Because we are disciples of Christ
-"Even as I am"
-How we endure trials, not the trials themselves, will prove our discipleship
-Becoming like Him, being one with Him is our #1 goal
-Submit to His will

* Don R. Clarke, of the Seventy
-What do we think of during Sacrament meeting? Christ? (Memorize Sacramental Prayers)
-The Atonement
-Repent of sins
-Receive inspiration for problems
-Help us feel/be filled with the Holy Ghost
-Sacrament should be the center of our Sacrament meeting

*David A. Bednar, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
-Asking, seeking, knocking - requirements for gaining a testimony
-Conversion requires ALL heart, ALL might, ALL mind, ALL strength
-Believing in Prophets
-Exercise faith in Christ
-Experiencing change of heart
-Becoming firm and steadfast
-Testimony is conversion
-Poweful combo: Knowledge of the truth & Coverting to the Lord (Gospel)
-Spiritual knowledge gained by the Holy Ghost is a testimony
-Gospel is true - stay true to the Gospel
-Lamp, Testimony
-Oil, Conversion
-Oil cannot be borrowed
-Study scriptures

* Thomas S. Monson, Prophet
-Things taught and reemphasized
-Read talks again in Ensign and Liahona
-Don't be critial and judgemental, be tolerant
-Pray about needs of others, help others
-Go with good cheer
-As we do what is right
-He is on our side
-He lived for us
-He died for us

182nd General Conference, Sun. AM

* Henry B. Eyring, 1st Counselor of the First Pres.
(One that hit REALLY close to home)
-God is NEVER hidden! We are hidden from Him.
-Our desires vs His will
-Unwilling to listen or submit
-"Get 'my own' revelation" (Marriage, kids, (husband and wife, revelation needed from both))
-We cannot consist on our own timetable
-The Lord has His own timetable
-"His time should be enough for us"
-Submitting fully to Heaven's will
-The Lord is calculated to bless
-The Lord keeps His promises
-Fill time by helping others
-Desire to do good

*Boyd K. Packer, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
-Those who are lost - look for the Light (Christ) and the Atonement
-Christ, our Mediator
-3rd Article of Faith
-Men cannot cleanse themselves - Christ must forgive us
-"I, the Lord, remember them no more..."

* Linda K. Burton, General Relief Society Pres.
-We are the Lord's hands
-Observe, then Serve (aka Charity)
-"Am I doing this for the Savior or for me?"
-Too busy for service?

*Walter F. Gonzalez, of the Seventy
-Learn truths with the Heart
-Pray to remember the Lord
-Iniquity stops revelation
-Turn to Him NOW!
-If we repent we will not suffer needlessly
-"He will not fail you!"
-"He knows how to succor His children"

* Jeffrey R. Holland, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
(Another favorite)
-Repeatedly told Apostles that He would not leave them alone
-"It is the Lord!" Why suprised?
-Do you love Me? Feed My sheep!
-"If I want fish, I can get fish..."
-On the judgement bar, the Lord may ask us, "Did you love Me?"
-Love the Lord, thy God
-Be loyal
-If you love Me, keep My commandments
-We have good to do!
-Demonstrate our love of the Lord
-Stay true, love God
-Lend a hand
-Loyalty and Love required at every stage of life!

* Thomas S. Monson, Prophet
-Take inventory of the small blessings you've received
-"Men are that they may have joy..."
-We can communicate through prayer
-They will be heard and answered by our loving Father in Heaven
-He will bless us with ONLY the BEST!
-Act upon inspirations - He will trust us more...with more!
-Never ignore the promptings!
-He is aware of our needs - No concern is too small or insignificant
-He is in the details of our lives
-Plan A ---> Plan B ---> ...Plan Z Luck? No...

182nd General Conference, Sat. PM

* L. Tom Perry, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
-Sanctity of marriage
-Central importance of the Family
-The Gospel is a culture
-Marriage is the only joy and happiness that can be found in this mortal life
-"For time and all eternity"
-Parents, teaching is #1 responsibility to children
-Stronger family, (done consistantly):
1. Pray earnestly
2. FHE, scripture study, meals together
3. Use church leaders to help, communicate with them about children's needs
4. Organize with wholesome rules, give responsibilities to children in the home
-"Teach at the cradle side"
-*Proclamation to the Family* - Responsibilities/Duties of mothers and fathers
-Equal partners
-"Do Your Very Best"

* M. Russell Ballard, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
-Cooperative engergy, Beehive (1 bee contributes only 1/12 tsp of honey in its lifetime)
-...But, burdens of other bees lifted through that "other" bee
-JUST go to church? Converted?
-Take next step of conversion - Act consistantly
-One thing that will help - Morning Prayer: Ask for an opportunity to serve
-Stay focused
-Through others, God takes care of us

* Larry Echo Hawk, of the Seventy
-Book of Mormon for remnants of Lamanites (among others), the American Indians
-Boof of Mormon most correct book on earth
-Encouraged to read Book of Mormon - read and reread

* Robert C. Gay, of the Seventy
-What would you sell your soul for?
-Magnify your Priesthood, blessings will come
-Self-justification of pety sins, Satan triumphs
-Will we shrink or submit to the will of the Father?
-He looks out for all
-We must serve each other
-Rise above sin
-Go to the rescue!

* Scott D. Whiting, of the Seventy
-Why held to such [high] standards?
-The Temple, Holiness to the Lord, House of the Lord
-No doubt of Whose house it is
-The Lord knows our efforts to do good
-"I will not come into unclean Temples"
-We cannot hide sins
-Keep the commandments
-Live your best
-Make necessary improvements

* Neil L. Anderson, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
-During a trial of faith, do not drift from the church. Safest place during a storm is not in the storm, but in the cellar.
-Sanctuary of the Church
-Go and sin no more
-Trails will be trying
-Build on a solid foundation
-With Faith comes Trials comes Increased Faith

* Dallin H. Oaks, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
-Commanded to love and care for each other
-Marriage is more than a contract
-*Proclamation to the Family*
-Be examples to your children
-Be united (parents) in goals
-"Marriage Matters"

182nd General Conference, Sat. AM

These are the notes I took from this October's General Conference Session(s). This is probably not the whole "jist" of these talks, but these are the thoughts that struck me. They may not make much sense to you. Some thoughts are short, some not so short. They may seem out-of-order -ish. Please, just take them for what they are.

* Missionary Age for young men went from 19 to 18.
Missionary Age for young women went from 21 to 19.

* Two New Temples:
Tuscon, Arizona
Arequipa, Peru

* Quentin L. Cook, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
-Immersion in scriptures heals hurt feelings, hateful feelings, etc.
-"When you are sick, THEN you will listen to the doctor"
-Never forsake the Master
-Disrespect in the home is not acceptable!
-Moral issues are to be addressed [taught] in the Home
-Through repentence, you can qualify...
-The Atonement!

* Ann M. Dibb, 2nd Counselor in the General Young Women Pres.
-"Im a Mormon! Are you?" T-shirt story
-Confidence in our religion - Who we are!
-"I'm a Mormon! I know it! I live it! I love it!"
-Paul, "I Am Not Ashamed!"
-Strength, Discipline, Commitment?
-Feast on the scriptures
-Doers of the Word - Faith, Obedience
-Everyone is imperfect - Do you Best
-Humility and submission to the Father's will, most difficult principle to apply

* Craig C. Christensen, of the Seventy
-Holy Ghost knows us as the Savior and God do - our thoughts and our heart's intent
-He is to bear witness, teach truth, comfort
-God, Jesus, and Holy Ghost are ONE in purpose
-Act without delay!
-Power of vs Gift of

* Shayne M. Bowen, of the Seventy
(Especially powerful talk!)
-"Too pure, too lovely to live on this earth" -death of babies and young children
-Get rid of those DESTRUCTIVE feelings NOW! (I could have..., I should have...)
-Self-pity is destructive, anger is destructive
-Pray for heart to change
-Great blessings <--- Prove faith -The veil is thin -Continue with good cheer... -Christ can turn sour to sweet -Love deeply. Love eternally. :) -Sorrow ---> Joy
-He will not leave us comfortless
-Rely on the Atonement!

* Russell M. Nelson, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
-worthiness AND preparation
- ...add more! (To other values)
-Missionaries - a Heaven-sent resource; learn from them!
-Ask the Missionaries - they can help you!

* Dieter F. Uchtdorf, 2nd Counselor of the First Pres.
(Always a favorite!)
-We are mortal! A suprise? :D
-Any regrets?
-We wear our bussiness as a badge of honor?
-Live each day with purpose
-Know the value of those you meet, give them the gift of your time, love
-Give BEST self to those who are important
-"We are capable of more!"
-Illuminate our Paths: Family prayer, Family scripture study, Family activities - DO IT for great blessings!
-Pursuit of holiness and happiness vs Pursuit of regret
-"Let ourselves be happier!"
-"Its not a race, its a journey"
-"Enjoy the Moment"
(Mom's quote to me back in April: "Enjoy the Journey")
-Do not focus on the finish line - we'll fail to find joy in the journey
-Happiness is available NOW!
-Rejoice and be glad
-Embrace and cherish
-See and appreciate
-Give thanks in all things
-Resolve to be happy, regardless...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Thought (aka More Tears)

So, I just had a "vision" or something close to it...

I had a thought pop into my head of my future husband (one guess as to who that would be) blessing a new baby in Sacrament meeting.

Wow! On top of having an emotional week - this has been added to the reasons why I need to carry tissues with me at all time.

And why I NEED this marriage to this awesome man to hurry on up.

Answered Prayers

Yesterday was a rough day for me...

But let me back track some to Sunday and the week or so before...

(Read last post for "details." The meeting with Pres. Livingston went well. Like Ava said/says, 'You worry too much.' Yeah... I know... I over think and over analyze and over, well, everything. Things are good. He left us with a blessing at the close of the meeting and still after I wasn't 100%.

I had to drop Ava back off at work and when I got back I asked him and my Dad for a blessing. I LOVE blessings. Nothing better than getting one, I think. Dad gave it and afterward apologized several times for what the Spirit told him to say.

Everything that was said is EXACTLY what was on my mind and what was bothering me.

Just to share something very special and sacred with ya'll, it told me to #1. not worry about other people talking. That Satan uses people as tools just as the Lord uses people as instruments, and #2. that things will be taken care of SOON!

Now...to Monday.

I called the lawyer we wanted to use from Jasper (first contact made about five weeks ago and nothing since except when I call to "bug" the secretary several times a week). She got kind of rude and short and I could hear this lawyer in the background telling her what to say.

No bueno.

So, I started the do-it-yourself paperwork. The instructions and process seem beyond easy, but I still had many questions and concerns and kept getting this "stupor of thought."

All morning was spent in frustrated tears and pleading prayers to Heavenly Father for help, guidance, understanding, and comfort.

I posted a end-the-end-of-my-rope comment to facebook and a sweet cousin texted me with the name of a lawyer she knew and used in Woodville. Whatever, I'll try anything at this point!

Made the appointment from Grandpa's house and before I could make the five minute walk to my parent's home SHE HERSELF called me and wanted to ask a few questions.

I TRIED REALLY HARD to discourage her! I did! I told her everything that discouraged the other lawyers we spoke to. To everything she said, "Oh! This will be easy!" "Oh! This will go quick!" "Oh! This is great!" "Oh! This will go smoothly!"

Where have you been for six months!

When Ava called me for the first time Easter Sunday and before we ate together that following Thursday I got the impression October-ish maybe early November. I had, and still have, no idea what this means, but things started to happen...October 1st.

Appointment set for the 10th at 2pm to start this process. In 60 days I should be announcing a date.

"More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones."

Yes ma'am. There are more tears for answered prayers!