Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tools vs Instruments

Satan uses tools. While he's using you sometimes it'll seem like you're doing something good. You're being brought in the dirt, out of the dirt, you're hoeing, you're discing, you're harrowing - really putting forth a lot of effort. You could be preparing for a garden, you could be preparing for the foundation of a home, but you could also be playing in the dirt. Breaking a sweat and really churning up some dirt. But you could be just playing in the septic system.

And what happens to those tools when you're done with them? When Satan is done with them? You? He puts you in the shed, or just casts you out. Leaves you out in the weather, covered in dirt (or poo). He let's you rust. He let's you just...lie there. Until he needs you again. Oh, he'll clean you off a bit, but right back into the dirt you go! (Or poo).

But, Christ. He uses instruments. A skilled player. He turnes a piece of wood (or other material) with a few different sized wires on you and pulls hair across those strings and that wood is turned into a beautiful piece of art. A beautiful sound.

And when he's done with you? He's not done! He polished you, tightens your strings, replaces them if He has to. He puts you away in a satin-filled, hard-shelled case and puts you in a safe place until He needs to play you again - for the benefit of others or sometimes, just for the benefit of Himself. To spend one on one time with you, listening to your sweet sound.

What are you? Are you a tool? Or are you an instrument?

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