Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Week In Trials

So Friday or Saturday I had the brilliant idea to pray for specific traits that I would like to improve on - not that they were horribly lacking in any way... I prayed for opportunties to exercise this trait and to always remember why I prayed for these traits. One of these traits was patience. What I explained (hahaha...)to Heavenly Father in my prayers was something to the effect that I wanted to become more Christlike and, let's face it, I have room to improve, right?!

Sunday evening the pooky hit the fan.

A wonderful relative was found gossiping about me to another wonderful relavtive which started a wonderful (catching the sarcasm yet?) conversation with this second relative Monday morning.

Then another relative is annoyed (the only word that comes to mind) with me about some stupid, silly stuff on FB and de-friended me. Totally hurt my feelings and I am still completely confused and hurt about it. Thanks to my amazing little sister! She listened and encouraged me without stiring the pot of stinky viddles! She calmed me down and reassured me that all was well! Thanks You! I love you!

Christmas (all Holidays, rather) gets my down. So that on top of this has really kicked my booty and has me bummed out pretty good.

Had another brilliant idea - to pray and ask for understanding. That hasn't really come yet, so I asked for peace. I have teetered between hatred and a quiet calm... Ah, a test of my faith!

I hope I can let it be and those around me will...forgive or forget or whatever it takes to get our relationships (from whatever levels they had been) regain that ground and hopefully grow a bit, too.

A note, (a mom quote): "You can either be someone's burden or someone's blessing"
And a second note: "Be kind whenever possible. And it is always possible"

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