Saturday, June 5, 2010


I really don't know why I watch "Never Been Kissed" with Drew Barrymore. By the last ten minutes of the movie, I'm totally in tears and depressed. I feel like the main character, "...I'm 25 [well, I'LL be 27 in a couple of days] and I have never really been kissed..." Well, Josie - I'm 27 and I have never been kissed...period! Beat that!

My patriarchal blessing says to live for my blessings and "in due time..." Yep, yep... But, Heavenly Father, I need a date, not necessarily a time, a name maybe, I really don't need his address or phone number; I can find that.

It'll be nice to feel wanted, like physically, emotionally, spiritually, by a member of the opposite gender. To go to someone, besides my mom, with problems or good things.

It kinda works on ones self esteem ya know... to watch people much younger, or older even, find love, find love again, and sometimes again. I just want one chance - one person to not want to live without me, that wants to come to me with their problems and celebrations and experiences. Someone who just can't wait to talk to me in the morning and have to wake me up at 2am, just to hear my voice. Someone who calls me from work several times, just to see what I'm doing. Someone who wants to spend time with me and be concerned for me...and yes, someone to be with physically.

Who ever my Prince Charming is...I love you already. I'm waiting...not so patiently, but waiting still! I've kept myself clean for you and I'm living for you everyday. Now, we just need to find each other! Where are you?!

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