Monday, November 8, 2010

The Cookie Carnival

I know this sounds silly, but I like to find meanings in silly things...

I absolutely LOVE the old Disney Silly Symphony cartoons!! I find the animation interesting and there is always lots of music (more than words most of the time)!

This particular cartoon is a bit special to me... I quick synopsis - There is a carnival in town, a town made of candies and treats. A gingerbread man hobo comes into town and finds a lonely gingerbread woman. She's a bit plain and even on the side of ugly. He finds her crying because she's not taking part in the parade, where the other girls are being judged to be the Queen.

Then something amazing happens - He begins to change her view of herself. He makes her see how special, beautiful and wonderful she is.

The coolest thing, to me, is that he does this deed with no obvious gains for himself. He simply wants HER to realize that she has just as good a chance...and not just a chance...a CERTAINTY that she IS the Cookie Queen. Too "sweet"!!!

He quickly gets her to the parade and barely makes it. And when the judges see her, she's immediately named Queen!

But who is going to be the King? "A King! A King! The Queen must have a King" they sing.

On the other hand, something that bums me, is that now, all of a sudden, now that she's beautiful and confident, she has all kinds of suitors lined up to be her King.

With a bit of silliness and a bit of trial, the gingerbread man hobo stumbles (literally) into King's clothing and its a perfect match the towns people see! And he's officially named King.

I feel that all I need is a gingerbread man hobo to make me realize who I far as... in comparison to other girls. (I have a lot of confidence and esteem issues, can you tell?)

And for this "hobo" building me up into the person who I know I am and helping other's to realize it too, he will, in turn be made a King, my King.

1 comment:

  1. I like this! I completely get where you are coming from. I have those same self esteem issues. I also like to get meaning out of silly or different things. I enjoy reading your posts.
