Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I've Been Tagged...(My 1st One - So Excited)

I've been tagged. I have to list 10 things about myself that someone might not know about me...

1) I am a lazy OCD-er. I believe that everything has a place and everything should be in its place. I'll say about 97% of things are in its place, sometimes it takes me a few days to figure out where that is, but eventually it gets there. Its the meticulous dusting and sweeping that I don't do...

2) I am SCARED of meeting guys (ppl in general), but mostly guys. This is so not helping me meet a future husband. I don't know what I'm so scared of...the unknown? rejection? i really don't know.

3) I love the smell of horse poop and hay in the morning. I wish I had a barn, so it can be more concentrated.

4) I love being home...all the time. If I could have my luxuries and stay at home all the time, I am so there!

5) I want to marry a celebrity. I've never been one to want to be in the spot light, but I'd like to be like, I don't know, the "wind beneath someone's wing."

6) I hate to speak in church, but will sooooo volunteer to so I can write a talk! I love to write.

7) I have to park straight. If it takes me several times or if I have to find another spot, I "have" to park straight.

8) My pencils have to have matching pencil-top erasers and grippers. Don't know why, it started in the 5th grade. If I can't find a matching one...the pencil can't have either.

9) I want to write a "good" romance novel. I want it to be clean and sweet and romantic without it being all...yucky.

10) I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to play the cello... REALLY BAD!!!! I've always loved the sound and emotion of the instrument, but recently have discovered that I want to learn to play one!!

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