Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Random Blog-EE-ness

Pres. Uchtdorf's talk during the Sunday morning session really got me to thinking. He gave a short story about a $20 bill. I've gotten this eMail several times, but anyway, it goes something kinda like this. "I am a $20 bill. I have been torn, stepped on, washed and forgotten, but I am still worth my $20."

What have I learned for six years in Young Women and taught for six years in Young Women? Individual Worth!!

I am my own ME!! Woo-Hoo!! ME!! Here are some random things you may not know about me...

1.) I LOVE it when I'm making my bed and the top sheet, when I throw it up (and hang on to the bottom) and it land perfectly in the right place...mostly. All I have to do is pull out a corner and straighten out the wringles. I feel like Mary Poppins! *snap*

2.) I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the smell of horse poo poo!! The healthy kind that has a lot of digested hay in it...especially in the morning when the day is jjjuuuuuussttt starting to warm up. It'll get this sweet tang to it. I don't want to eat, goodness no...but the smell is AWESOME!

3.) I LOVE the way kids make up their own versions on words. For example, Jace says "marsh-ello" for marshmellow. "sir andels" for sandals. And when he's singing the clean up song, he says "clean up, clean up, everybody toot and share"

4.) I LOVE picture frames!!! Like FOR REAL!!! The super tacky ones, the elegant ones, the plain ones, the cheap ones!!! They are "my thing," the a fault!!!

5.) I DO NOT NEED compliments, but it sure feels good to get them, ya know?! I would rather have no attention at all and be under the radar, then have like a million friends. I say that, but I love friends...who doesn't? Who doesn't need someone on their team...their side...who has their back? The friends I have...I love you with all my heart! Thanks for everything!

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